These were the Olympic Games, and soon it would be his moment to take center stage.
After playing supporting roles in previous Mastering Grails articles, this time they take center stage.
If you work tirelessly behind the scenes but shy away from the spotlight, it's time to take center stage.
I know it's birthday month, dear Taurus, so you were probably hoping to take center stage and give your plans a big push, but the timing is off.
His culinary style highlights the freshness and quality of the ingredients he USES, allowing their natural flavors and textures to take center stage.
It is a distributed system designed to allow a developer's application, and associated services, to take center stage while abstracting away issues commonly associated with IaaS.
As mentioned in the last article, content retrieval and management is the end game in all of this, so item retrieval will probably take center stage in the connector development process.
Before analyzing Lucene's index file structure, you should understand the inverted index concept. An inverted index is an inside-out arrangement of documents in which terms take center stage.
在分析Lucene的索引文件结构之前,我们先要理解反向索引(Inverted index)这个概念,反向索引是一种以索引项为中心来组织文档的方式,每个索引项指向一个文档序列,这个序列中的文档都包含该索引项。
The U. S. is coming under some heat from the international community for its quantitative easing, round two, which is set to take center stage at the G-20 meeting in South Korea later this week.
Each term points to a list of documents that contain it. On the contrary, in a forwarding index, documents take the center stage, and each document refers to a list of terms it contains.
Each term points to a list of documents that contain it. On the contrary, in a forwarding index, documents take the center stage, and each document refers to a list of terms it contains.