Life as a whole is better if you go slowly, and take the time to savor it, appreciate every moment. That's the simplest reason to slow down.
Take a moment every day to look around you and feel the colors, enjoy the colors. Live your life in full color.
If you take action on every idea that seems good in the moment, you will very likely just dig yourself into a deeper hole.
Life as a whole is better if you go slowly, and take the time to savor it, appreciate every moment.
Every time you run a mining model, take a moment to open it up and give a new name for the result set.
Every day, take a moment to thank your eyes for seeing, your liver for functioning, your feet for carrying you from place to place.
For the purpose of this tutorial, I carefully named every layer but in the heat of the moment it is not always possible to take the time to perfectly name everything.
Make every day count. Appreciate every moment and take from it everything that you possiblycan, for you may never be able to experience it again.
让每一天都过得有意义吧。享受生命中的每一刻,尽你所能从中汲取,因为以后你可能没有机会再有同样经历。 膀。
In each and every moment, you are successful at doing something. You take action, and that action successfully brings a result.
A tiny step forward is, after all, a step forward. And there are plenty of ways, in every moment, to take just a tiny step forward.
The sun rises every day. That is something I take for granted even if it can be hard to discover up here in the north. (Not right now as it does not set for the moment).
Or take a moment, like I will, to remember the moms who raised us, whose big hearts sustained us, and whom we miss every day, no matter how old we get.
Appreciate every moment and take from those moments everything that possibly can, for you may never be able to experience it again.
It's no accident that love is such an overwhelming emotion, but it can take over our lives and fill our every waking moment.
On Sunday, which is my one day of total leisure, I sometimes take two hours to wake up, luxuriating in every last moment of drowsiness.
Appreciate every moment and take frome those moments everything that you possibly can, for you may never ve able to experience it again.
Because I really love kids, so every hour and moment want with them, take them to the cafeteria to eat, take them to sleep, sleep room for them to tell the story, so I quickly became their friend.
If you take a moment to stop and set a goal for yourself every week, you will notice the progress you are making and, in turn, become more inspired by how quickly you are learning English!
Of what sort can be that marvelous being, that new lover who absorbs every moment, tyrannizes over your days, and prevents your giving any attention to your husband?Josephine, take care!
Every moment we have things to do and there must be some mistakes happened if we take the flight easy and enjoyed the view outside.
Take a moment to configure that setting and every message you send will have a closing without having to type anything extra.
Take a moment to configure that setting and every message you send will have a closing without having to type anything extra.