To take an extreme example, farmlands dominated by a single crop are so unstable that one year of bad weather or the invasion of a single pest can destroy the entire crop.
Take, for example, the findings released in May of INTERPHONE, the largest and longest study ever conducted on whether — and by how much — cell phone use increases the odds of developing brain cancer.
India's persistent food inflation, to take another example, is made worse by an antiquated system of storage and transport that lets between 25% and 40% of some crops spoil before they reach market.
又比如印度持续的食品价格通胀,因为过时的储运系统变得更糟,有些农作物投入市场之前,会有25 - 40%的损耗。
Yet another example might take as input a Web site (such as a news site like CNN) and render the text in photos by matching tagged photos to words from the news.
To take another example, Saxon has not even started to explore to possibilities opened by parallel execution, something the language makes a highly attractive option.
For example you might remember to take your medication at the same time by always doing it after lunch.
He found by their example that their heads were not so good as their hands on such occasions; and therefore resolved to take upon himself the important commission.
For example, tree roots are often surrounded by fungal growths that take nutrients from the trees.
If we take the field of architecture and engineering, for example, we are appalled by the ugly and freakish buildings that are being put up.
We now take you though a step-by-step example showing how to create a DB2 database and how to create your own Query Views.
现在我们将带领您一步步地完成一个示例,该示例展示了如何创建DB 2数据库,以及如何创建您自己的查询视图。
For example, you can sum up all the bytes in the file and then take the remainder when dividing by 256.
For example, by random folding, the amino-acid chain of the enzyme ribonuclease, a small protein, could adopt more than 1040 different shapes, which would take billions of years to explore.
For example, if I have a large yard that would take me five hours to maintain (it's pretty big), it makes more sense for me to pay someone as I can earn more during those 5 hours by working.
A third example is the failure to take seriously the compensation and risk issues demonstrated by the crisis.
For example, happier people might take a proactive approach to aging by regularly exercising and budgeting time for a good night's sleep.
Take a look at an example of a properties panel of a TWS job stream displayed by the TDWC.
Take any popular song and compare it to any aria by the Italian opera composer Vincenzo Bellini (1801-1835), for example.
And the title's "Nature" reminds us of our place in the world, not only among works of aesthetic brilliance but, to take just one humble example beloved by Jarman, that sea kale that we met earlier.
Take an example of a bank whose asset managers have always responded to back-office errors by calling or emailing downstairs to request correction.
Mature, take your pencil and paper, your canvas and instrument, and be the highest human possible, lead by example and heal with a touch.
You specify the constraints and behavior in one place and everything is reflected from the model and used by migrations, validations and other things. So for example take this simple case.
And if China wanted to take gold to 25% of is reserves around the level held by the ECB, for example it would need to buy another 440 million ounces at today's prices.
So I always encourage myself by that sentence and take Liu Xiang as a good example.
For example, I'm more likely to read and take notice of a review of Bose headphones by a CNET reviewer who specializes in music electronics, than a review written by "lolcatzndogz67".
For example, they may take notes by writing down key words or by drawing mind maps.
The infamous Biosphere 2 closed-ecosystem project outside Tucson, Ariz., first inhabited by eight people in 1991, is the best example of an approach not to take.
恶名远扬生物圈二号封闭生态系统项目就是未经充分准备仓促上马的前车之鉴。 1991年,首批八个人住进位于亚利桑那州图克森附近的生物圈二号。
Actually, as the Pickens example proves, global economic downturns take a toll on the environment by restraining economic activity that could improve the situation.
Actually, as the Pickens example proves, global economic downturns take a toll on the environment by restraining economic activity that could improve the situation.