All you struggling artists and writers out there take heart.
If the answers aren't exactly what you hoped for, take heart.
So bird lovers take heart, your feathered friends are innocent avians.
If you've ever been frustrated by your baby's irregular sleep patterns, take heart.
If you want to follow your dreams as well as provide for a certain future take heart.
If you want to follow your dreams as well as provide for a certain future, take heart.
Take heart. God is in control, and he has His purposes in the circumstances of your life.
Minnesotans can take heart, however, that this year's recount will not be the state's last.
The industry can also take heart from a number of trends that should help it in the medium term.
And if you require natural light while making breakfast, take heart: Many of the kitchens came with Windows.
But he can take heart: this year’s list has been the most popular ever—and his was the biggest-selling book on it.
Instead of feeling resentful of people who love before you do, take heart in the possibility that you may be next.
If you've long harbored tender memories of Miss February 1988 but misplaced your dusty old box of Playboys, take heart.
For the future we take heart; resolving that this new page in the history of our great continent can now be written.
Are you entertaining doubts today? Take heart. God is in control, and he has His purposes in the circumstances of your life.
There are a number of reasons why we put on the pounds as years go by, but take heart: There are ways to fight back - and win!
但是,请振作起来:你有办法反击,而且还能赢!随着我们年龄的增大. .!
Lonesome and indigent foreign women might take heart to note another discrepancy: they are still allowed to marry Cambodian men.
But this will also be a grand adventure and we can take heart in the message the Nobel committee has sent: look to your sails, the tide has turned.
For those who do not look forward to the job of grooming, take heart as the amount of grooming required is minimal as compared with other long-haired breeds!
If you've ever been frustrated by your baby's irregular sleep patterns, take heart. A new study suggests that erratic bursts of sleep may correspond to growth spurts.
Yes, many are experiencing hard times, but you may take heart from knowing that you knew the end-times would be very testing, and that you would come through them.
The trend may upset those of us who are attached to particular traditions and institutions because those really might die out, but there is even reason for us to take heart.
Arsenal can take positives from the result and most of the performance, City can take heart from the fact that even with 10 men they gave us a game until the second goal went in.
Arsenal can take positives from the result and most of the performance, City can take heart from the fact that even with 10 men they gave us a game until the second goal went in.