And take it from me, it is the best place in the world to watch the sunset.
A chaste man can never get possessed, take it from Me - can never get possessed.
This caused Mila to ponder "Who is trying to catch my freedom and take it from me?"
Take it from me. A real man makes his own money. I think you should break up with him.
Take it from me: Even if you're only mildly addicted to stress, it's best to get into rehab now.
Ross: Take it from me, as the groom all you have to do is show up and try to say the right name.
Measures are being taken, but vigilance is still required. Don't take it from me; let's let the lions speak for themselves.
"For anybody who doesn't have a close relationship with their father, take it from me, please think about it twice," he says.
And that's how you get from a blank page to a well-crafted personal statement, college essay and--take it from me--even blog post.
I am a professor; so take it from me that I am only a subordinate guide, one with the office of introducing you to the true guides.
Somebody like Art Tatum can make me sit up and take notice, but some music, like rap, isn't very musical and I can't learn anything from it.
I thought he was saying that it was time for him to leave the house, but in fact he told me that I should take on a bigger role in the family from then on.
So let me be clear about where I stand: not only do I not believe it, but I can't understand why anyone would take comfort from it.
From then on I decided to take responsibility for myself and dismantle my ego, who doesn't like its territory stepped on.And it does a very good job at letting me know that.
It seems to me rather a long distance from the thought, nobody can die for me, nobody can take my part, to the claim, everybody dies alone.
So, let me say it here — and I'll take the hits from the Agile community — not being Agile is okay.
"Come with me," she responded. "I don't know the street or number very well; it is in quite the other direction from here, but I know the house well, I will take you to it."
From what has been discussed above, it's safe for me to conclude that it is urgent to take some immediate and effective measures.
While you do it, let me take this ribbon from your hair, and shake outyour hair like this of mine!
Then why did it take me fifty minutes by cab from my hotel on the West Side?
It doesn't take a mathematical genius to know that Girard's Law of 250 is the most important thing you can learn from me.
Book are my best friend, both silent and most loyal, as long as I do not discard it, it did not take the initiative away from me.
Therefore now, o LORD, take, I beseech thee, my life from me; for it is better for me to die than to live.
Forgive all that I've done. Maybe I was wrong from the very beginning, I shouldn't have stooped, leaving you much burden. All is my fault, let me take it away.
From what has been discussed above, its safe for me to conclude that it is urgent to take some immediate and effective measures.
From what has been discussed above, its safe for me to conclude that it is urgent to take some immediate and effective measures.