David, could you please sweep the floor and take out the trash?
Have you ever wondered how the astronauts and cosmonauts onboard the International Space Station (ISS) take out the trash?
Ladies, you wouldn't have to constantly nag someone to take care of the dishes piling up in the sink or take out the trash.
Because who gets to choose the ice sculpture, who should take out the trash, who has to stay home and make the mini pizzas, that's the little stuff.
Okay now translate this again: "Fine, whatever, go ahead and watch on the game for another five minutes, don't worry about it, I'll take out the trash. ""
That glove is now joined by so much space trash that scientists are warning it could be poised to take out the satellites we depend on every day -- and trap us here on a heating earth.
When you take something out of the package, go ahead and put it in the trash can or recycling bin.
Also, it is the birthday of "broom", so it is taboo to use broom or take out trash, otherwise, you might sweep away good fortunes and suffer financial losses.
Also, it is the birthday of "broom", so it is taboo to use broom or take out trash, otherwise, you might sweep away good fortunes and suffer financial losses.