You can scan your daughter's writings (or take photos with a camera) and send them to me, I can help her correct the mistakes she might have made on some words.
At a store, you may be able to touch, say, a digital camera, but "it wont be as helpful because its fairly difficult to try it out and take some photos with it" there, Perner said.
The only problem with the site is the poor quality of the photographs –users tend to take the photos themselves, with a mirror, often using a camera phone in poor lighting.
At a store, you may be able to touch, say, a digital camera, but "it won't be as helpful because it's fairly difficult to try it out and take some photos with it" there, Perner said.
Follow the ceremony with a picnic, and recruit a friend with a good camera-and a good eye-to take wedding photos.
In this post we'll take a look at quite a number of outstanding photos taken with a camera phone.
It is also equipped with a camera, pixels not very high, but in general there is no problem to take photos.
I hope that one day I can travel around the whole world alone with a camera, a pen and paper. Whenever I see the beautiful scenery, I will take photos of it and draw it.
I hope that one day I can travel around the whole world alone with a camera, a pen and paper. Whenever I see the beautiful scenery, I will take photos of it and draw it.