Economic problems must take precedence of other questions.
But under some emergency circumstances, modern buildings could take precedence of the old ones.
If happiness is not at the top of your list then other things will take precedence. If other things take precedence, they may well interfere with your efforts to feel good.
The information derived from the SAML assertions is to take precedence over that passed as immediate attributes of the control object.
Substance must always take precedence over style, but poorly presented content runs the risk of confusing the users it was meant (often at great expense) to serve.
Communicate that both your job and your relationship are of high priority and sometimes, as need be, one might take precedence.
My rabbi does not take Jewish law lightly. But he told me the Jewish laws are things God wanted us to live by, not die by, and that saving a life takes precedence over all of them.
Those who support it argue that, in addition to the dictates of conscience, children's rights must take precedence.
The Movie: Genuinely terrifying horror films are few and far between these days, with a reliance on cheap jumps and fake scares seeming to take precedence over set-ups of genuine menace.
The opinion of the UI team as to the quality of the build must take precedence over that of the services team.
Separate, individual agreements concluded with the supplier (including any supplements, changes and amendments) shall take precedence over the provisions in these conditions of purchase.
This specification is written in English, and shall take precedence over any translations of this document.
Other propose that since children develop so quickly, perhaps some areas of the brain outpace others in development, or certain aspects of development take precedence.
Evidently the part was not intended to take precedence, as Miss Madenda is not often on the stage, but the audience, with the characteristic perversity of such bodies, selected for itself.
Under all circumstances, visual inspection of the drilling line must take precedence over the predetermined slip and cut procedure.
Should practical courses such as finance or computer science take precedence over traditional ones like Chinese or philosophy on account of employability? Personally, I disagree with the assertion.
In the future, the claims of workers will take precedence only over unsecured creditors.
The idea that creditors' claims take precedence over shareholders' claims in the event of a liquidation or reorganization.
How would this situation make you feel? "Don't let the phone, interruptions, or other work take precedence over the person sitting front of you. ""
B. If any term of this Agreement conflicts with any term of an issued Purchase Order, or Supplier Acknowledgement or Invoice, this Agreement shall take precedence.
To define packaging criteria of finished goods in Meadville as internal standard. Customer specification shall take precedence over this standard.
Communicate and your relationship are of high priority and sometimes, as need be, one might take precedence.
The identifier casing rules take precedence over acronym casing rules. Do capitalize both characters of two-character acronyms, except the first word of a camel-cased identifier.
The terms of purchase shall take precedence over the supplier's general terms.
My family comes before everything else. No film will ever take precedence or fill me with the kind of joy I have as a father and partner.
At all stages during the preparation and training of competition horses, welfare must take precedence over all other demands.
In medical research on human subjects, considerations related to the well-being of the human subject should take precedence over the interests of science and society.
If two or more columns of the result have the same field names, the last column will take precedence.
But this should never trump the responsibilities of a relationship or take precedence over family obligations.
Your actual results take precedence over anyone's theories of what could happen or should happen.