We do not take revenge on our enemies and wish evil to be bestowed on them.
Or should she go even further, and take revenge by having an affair of her own?
If I had this thinking, I would search for you all over the world and take revenge.
Peishan asks Zhenghong to join in her plan to take revenge on Jinlong and Mingzhang.
To prove that he is not a coward and will do anything for his family, he decides to take revenge.
Everyone at one time or another has questioned the meaning of existence, or wanted to take revenge on an enemy.
The case appears to fit a pattern of divorced fathers using their children to take revenge against their ex-wives.
I punched him, I thought it was over, but after 30 minutes he came back with at least 50 Chinese to take revenge.
Paul admonished the Roman believers not to take revenge on their enemies but to let God do it for them (Romans 12:19).
Men should either be treated generously or destroyed, because they take revenge for slight injures - for heavy ones they cannot.
The law of love: love man, he will be busy to spend time as the cause of revenge; lovelorn woman, she would take revenge as a cause.
On Sunday, Mahmoud Jibril, leader of the Transitional Council, went on Libyan national television to ask Libyans not to take revenge.
Saul replied, "Say to David, 'the king wants no other price for the bride than a hundred Philistine foreskins, to take revenge on his enemies."'
And I design to go through the country that I may take revenge of them that have destroyed our country, and that have made many cities desolate in my realm.
Hamlet on the one hand to take revenge on the one hand due to the mother's face again, while he was not quite sure if the ghost of his father, very distressed.
In the lush grass, a few lions are looking around, watching, I guess they definitely grab a piece of good sites, fear of "origin" to take revenge, so be vigilant.
One day, Master Oogway, has a vision that Shifu's former student and foster son, Tai Lung, will escape from prison and return to the Valley of Peace to take revenge.
Speaking through a translator at the headquarters of his employers, the al-Baghdadiya television station, he said he had "vowed to the victims" that he would take revenge.
Speaking through a translator at the headquarters of his employers, the al-Baghdadiya television station, he said he had "vowed to the victims" that he would take revenge.