Jiao Zhongqing was forced to persuade Liu Lanzhi to take shelter in her mother's home.
There will be always a tent or helicopter close at hand to take shelter in from the adverse weather.
When the pressure on your mind is too much, chances are that you may take shelter in the philosophical literature.
Rahimi said two other attackers tried to enter the hotel, but police fired on them, forcing them to take shelter in a nearby compound.
Once, when the dengue fever was raging in Calcutta, some portion of our extensive family had to take shelter in Chhatu Babu's river-side villa.
For instance, the birds who have no tree branches, or even plants, in which to make a nest have to compromise and to take shelter in rat holes, for which they must find some branches in winter time.
The "party" lasted most of the shift, before we were able to locate a shelter that would take the family in on Christmas Day.
I long to dwell in your tent forever and take refuge in the shelter of your wings.
Every morning we would make a start after our bread and milk, and before sunset take shelter for the night in the next staging bungalow.
She refused to take refuge in the air raid shelter near to the family home, insisting on staying in the house and sending her son into the underground shelter instead.
Rebel fighters take shelter as an intense gunbattle erupted outside the Corinthia hotel, where many foreign journalists are staying, in Tripoli, LIbya, Thursday, Aug. 25, 2011.
We held them close that night at the Marriott in Brooklyn [where they found shelter after walking across the Manhattan Bridge] and we said, 'we will always be here to take care of you.'
In fifth standard at Don Bosco, playing goalie at a school match, he preferred to take shelter from the rain under a beautiful girl’s umbrella; his team lost by 11 goals.
A tourist USES an umbrella to take shelter from the scorching sun as they walk on the Hollywood walk of Fame on September 27, 2010 in Los Angeles, California.
This obsession with darkness and failure in the media allows us to take momentary shelter in the hope that we are not as horrible as those we see portrayed around us.
Friends are always for you shelter from the storm, if you take the snow in the distance, but I can not, I will pray for those who come in on me snow.
Each year, following in your footsteps, I come to take shelter of this holy dhama, and in time I return to my preaching in the West.
You'll be able to take shelter from the harsh weather of Arctic Biomes in new igloos, and delve beneath the earth for primordial treasures in the shape of giant fossils made of Bone Blocks.
如果玩家在北极生物群系遭遇恶劣天气,不用担心,新加入的冰屋可以当作庇护所来使用。 同样地,地底下面现在隐藏着经历过数亿年才形成的罕见化石骨块。
You'll be able to take shelter from the harsh weather of Arctic Biomes in new igloos, and delve beneath the earth for primordial treasures in the shape of giant fossils made of Bone Blocks.
如果玩家在北极生物群系遭遇恶劣天气,不用担心,新加入的冰屋可以当作庇护所来使用。 同样地,地底下面现在隐藏着经历过数亿年才形成的罕见化石骨块。