I'm having my surgery tomorrow, and while it's always a little nerve-racking to go under the knife, I'm excited to take the first step towards getting healthy and getting back on the court.
US and Russian negotiators will meet in Rome tomorrow to take the first step towards a new nuclear disarmament treaty that will involve cutting hundreds of weapons from both countries' arsenals.
This can be a difficult thing to do for many people, but it is the first step we all must take towards receiving the wonderful Gift that God offer us.
If this is not the case, then the first step will have been taken towards opening up the procedure for allowing foreign computer specialists to take jobs in Germany.
Other people who favor it see it as a step that universities take towards the goal of first-rate world university.
This could, in fact, be the first step you could take towards fatherhood and would be a great thing to do before you plan to start your own family.
This could, in fact, be the first step you could take towards fatherhood and would be a great thing to do before you plan to start your own family.