All the members (both newly elected and re-elected) will take the office on November 27 and will serve for next three years.
So, Cat’s going to take the office organizing slowly and the first (and only!) thing she’s going to do is not add to the pile.
And I think there is another Angle to explain this phenomenon. Some officials are dispatched to take the office in universities.
There's confusion and resentment, and it's almost never expressed out in the open. Take this office, for example.
Take the escalator to the third floor and it's the last office on the left.
The vice-president was forced to take up the reins of office.
Learn to switch off from work by leaving the office, switch off the BlackBerry, and do not take any calls at a certain time after work.
In Shanghai, the young couple at the registration office told the paper that they decided to register their marriage as soon as possible to take advantage of the existing policy.
If you see it, please take it to the teachers' office.
Do you think you can take care of everything in the office today?
New officers of the Hijas de Maria take their oath of office on the same day.
Take away phones and pagers from employees who rarely leave the office or travel on company business.
My wife has been on a cloud since I told her the other day I would spend my year-end bonus at the office to take us to Hawaii to celebrate our twentieth wedding anniversary.
I believe I am the first Director-General who can take office and, on the same day, wish staff a happy New Year.
Managers are asked to take their team members out of the office as a way to get them to think about their jobs differently and create stronger bonds.
So “water cooler chichat” has come to refer to all types of informal communication that take place at the office.
After being cooped up in the stuffy little office all day. Sharon decided to walk home rather than take the crowded bus.
Did not take the oath of office until March 5, 1849, because March 4th fell on a Sunday and Taylor declined to take the oath on Sunday because of his religious beliefs.
Most of the time, you take your office computers for granted. Okay, there's a niggle or two, but generally the it folks can sort it out.
We were simply too busy to join book clubs, take glass-blowing classes, or even stay late at the office.
Or perhaps your boss has handed you a hot lead from Lapland — will anyone be in the office to take your call?
Solana is travelling in the Middle East, but his Brussels office said: "There are plenty of people here ready to take the call."
Why would you go home when you can have meals, take exercise and enjoy fun in the office?
Take items in your recycling bin to the main recycling bin in the office.
Now hang on to your hat——the boss says he wants me to take charge of the new office in Honolulu.
Hollywood has entered a new golden age, with DVDs of film hits starting to make more money than the movies take at the box office.
When they did go back home on long breaks, they were expected to keep office hours in the home office and to take a few trips out to the heartland to see the folks.
When they did go back home on long breaks, they were expected to keep office hours in the home office and to take a few trips out to the heartland to see the folks.