To be absolutely cautious of a spouse's fidelity or devotion is to take the other person too much for granted.
Take a walk in any of the more ritzy areas of New York and every other person has a dog—on a leash, or even being pushed along in a stroller.
If one person manages to create a dish, the other person will write the process and take photos.
If you are currently attracted to someone else but you are committed to your marriage, take a hard look at how your perceptions of the other person may be biased.
But the best thing to do is to put yourself in social situations to take your mind — and other people's — off your weight and back onto you as a person.
My husband and I can take turns watching the kids while the other person runs, so it's a lot easier to fit in runs.
Take a walk in any of the more ritzy areas of New York and every other person has a dog -- on a leash, being carried in a bag or even being pushed along in a stroller.
漫步在纽约的豪华社区就会发现,每两个人中就有一人在遛狗,甚至有人把狗装在手提袋里,或是用手推车推着自己的爱犬。 宾德介绍说,人们对宠物的宠爱也是无奇不有。
Whatever the other person is upset about, own it and take responsibility even if you don't agree.
We thus tend to take pleasure in the secret nature of deception, of not only knowing that we have gained something, but also that the other person does not know this.
A blind person shall use a blind crutch or take other blind-guide means to pass on a road, and the vehicles shall give way to the blind person.
I've noticed that conversations take on a whole different flavor when I view them through the dream lens and when I address the other person as a dream character.
Over extended it can say to the other person more eloquently than words, "you are unable to care for yourself; I must take care of you because you are mine."
What is your place is to take the control the other person has clearly relinquished, and making sure you get out of the contact what you need.
Do not take that which does not belong to you unless it is a burden to the other person and he cries out to be relieved.
On the other hand, if a person is afraid to make mistakes, he will not take any risks.
Give the other person space to respond. Depending on the situation, the other person may take time.
If found unqualified product after receiving, the management should report to the local hygiene supervise organization and take action to prevent these products being sent to other unit or person.
The sleepwalker, unlike the hypnotized person, pays no attention to other people and does not take instructions.
If the other person doesn't want to be contacted, don't take it personally.
Never take the other driver personally as the person is only acting on road rage instinct.
You must take the responsibility for the life of yourself, the weakness of recognizing you, not Wei error other person.
Love is the desire to give of yourself for the sake of the other person - to take pleasure in helping him grow and fulfil himself.
On the other hand, a brave person who dares to take risks often succeeds because luck often goes to those who are brave.
Another person to pass through wetlands, to see the footprints of our predecessors, thought: This must be someone passed, take down other people's footprints will be no mistake.
How would this situation make you feel? "Don't let the phone, interruptions, or other work take precedence over the person sitting front of you. ""
The other person most nearly concerned has tried, up to the last, to persuade me to take a different course.
The fundamental skills for an entrepreneur or any other person who wants to succeed are passion, curiosity, interest and willingness to take risks.
If you take away the little hindrances that can stop an elderly person with limited energy from doing other things, you can make a huge difference.
If you take away the little hindrances that can stop an elderly person with limited energy from doing other things, you can make a huge difference.