For example, women who take the pill for 15 years cut their risk in half, they said.
Women who did not take the pill slightly increased their preference for genetically different men.
And there are some women, such as those who have heart disease or migraines, who should not take the pill.
If your brain is not functioning properly, and a drug can make it work better, then it makes sense to take the pill.
If you have none of the medical conditions that would prevent you from using a hormonal method of birth control, there is probably no reason why you can't take the pill again.
If you want to remember to take a medication with lunch, put the pill bottle on the kitchen table—don't leave it in the medicine chest and write yourself a note that you keep in a pocket.
However, this can be simply countered by someone who would prefer to take the blue pill.
Even if it can't be prescribed or put into a pill, he says the power of love in regulating pain is something that more people can take advantage of.
Often we have people saying to us, is there a drug, is there a pill, a magic pill they can take which will help the anger to stop.
But a growing number of mental health experts fear the increasing tendency to take a pill to beat the blues could actually affect human evolution.
The results should be confirmed in an experiment where patients would be randomly assigned to take aspirin or a dummy pill.
The first pill was a steep cut in the price that Ireland’s newly-formed “bad bank”, the National Asset Management Agency (NAMA), is paying for the assets it will take off the banks.
The first pill was a steep cut in the price that Ireland's newly-formed "bad bank", the National asset Management Agency (NAMA), is paying for the assets it will take off the Banks.
When you stop taking the pill, it can take some time for your body to return to normal production of these hormones.
Here's a live example. GlowCaps - pill bottles that know when you're supposed to take your medication - are on sale in the US.
A 'smart' pill that texts patients' mobile phones if they forget to take their medication is being tested in the UK.
Critics argue that men lack women's motivation to prevent pregnancy, making it hard for women to trust them to take a contraceptive pill, the report said.
Essentially, the pill claims to turn perspiration into a fragrance - and because we are all genetically unique, our scented sweat will take on an individual characteristic, too.
Researchers in the United Kingdom followed more than 46,000 women who took the pill and then compared the mortality rate of those women with women who did not take birth control pills.
UK researchers from the Medical research Council Reproductive Biology Unit in have previously carried out surveys showing that men would be willing to take a contraceptive pill if one was available.
Okay. Take one pill three times a day after meals. You can take the cough syrup as needed.
The pill does not keep at room temperature, so it is better to take it right now.
The administration is much simpler in that patients just take one pill per day and don't need to do injections.
Under the watchful eyes of Chirs and myself, Kate would take her pill, then carefully Chris would help her from the chair to the bed and tuck the covers in around her frail body.
For a pill taken twice daily, turn the container upside down after the morning dose as a reminder to take it in the evening, then turn it right side up after taking the second dose.
Physical suffering you can take a pill or you can have an injection and it stops or at least temporarily stops, and you feel the effect right away;
Physical suffering you can take a pill or you can have an injection and it stops or at least temporarily stops, and you feel the effect right away;