The F4 shortcut will repeat nearly all the actions you take on document text: typing: formatting, deleting.
So, understandably, nothing makes you crazier than someone who just won't cut to the chase when they're telling a story or refuses to take a shortcut when they know they're running late.
I was exhausted and eager to be home in my own bed. I decided to take County Road 126, which is a shortcut over the Jemez Mountains.
I decided to take County Road 126, which is a shortcut over the Jemez Mountains.
Sarah had a promise from God that she would have a baby, but by the time she was 80-years-old, she decided to take a shortcut.
I have no idea what such a theory might be, though I see the "extra dimensions" people have a plan already, whereby the neutrinos take a shortcut across another dimension.
One dark night two guys were walking home after a party and decided to take a shortcut through the cemetery.
A shepherd leading his flock decided to take a shortcut across the rink. The sheep, however, were afraid of the ice and wouldn't cross it.
In the modern world, we often take a shortcut and just assume that the central bank adjusts the money supply so as to achieve a target interest rate, in effect choosing a point on the IS curve.
Unfortunately, getting the GCC switches just right for my platform was a bit trickier, so I decided to take the recommended shortcut of letting distutils figure it out for me.
Two men were walking home after a Halloween party and decided to take a shortcut through the cemetery just for laughs.
Go to about: ubiquity to change the shortcut to invoke ubiquity and then take the ubiquity tutorial to get the basics.
Self-interested drivers opting for the quickest route do not take into account their effect of lengthening others' journey times, and so can gum up a new shortcut.
Two omen were walking home after a Halloween party and decided to take a shortcut through the cemetery just for laughs.
万圣节派对过后,两男人图个乐呵,打算抄近路穿过墓地回家。 鴖。
When changing mixing pan, user just need take the mixing pan down easily and with shortcut, without influencing other parts.
Curved around the mountain, adding twenty li to the trip – to take a shortcut that led straight to camp.
Bilgee warned Chen not to take a shortcut, but to follow the wagon road back; since there were yurts every twenty or thirty li, he ought to be able to make the trip without incident.
Bilgee warned Chen not to take a shortcut, but to follow the wagon road back; since there were yurts every twenty or thirty li, he ought to be able to make the trip without incident.