Eventually she would take to the road, less in hopes of finding a new home than of leaving memories of the old one behind her.
And though gas prices generally rise as the summer approaches and more people take to the road, don't expect the kind of rapid hikes seen last year, said publisher Trilby Lundberg.
During the annual Songkran holiday, thousands of Thais take to the road on motorbikes - often without helmets - to return to their home villages from the big cities to reunite with families.
However, in any case of classification, the out come of these women are miserable. In men world which have right to rule, they inevitably take to the road of tragedy, or suicide, or madness, or leave.
U.S. diplomats say the president is likely to take the high road in his statements about trade.
During this period, which can take two to four years, the would-be taxi driver has to learn the most direct route to every single road and to every important building in London.
The Swiss take their rules of the road so seriously that a driver can be ordered to appear in court and charged for speeding on hearsay alone, and very likely found guilty.
It didn't take long till I was deep enough for the house and the road to be invisible.
Passengers must not talk to the driver while the bus is moving, because it will take his focus off the road.
If you and your family have a road trip or vacation planned this summer, take advantage of the time to add some fun learning activities.
Summary: Felicity must make a decision on what to do during the summer: go to Germany with Noel or take a road trip with Ben.
If you want to go vagabonding preparation is key. Below are 6 essential actions you need to take before hitting the road.
They envy how successful their ICONS have become, yet they never take a look at the thorny road, along which, their ICONS climb up to success.
Those who lack goals don't have a road map to take them to the financial destination they want.
You listen to language on the phone and lose the ability to take in the language of road signs.
The two rebels do not want to take responsibility for the shootings along the road to the Grasberg mine, but leave no doubt either about their sympathies or their intentions.
To walk there, continue down the road and take the first turn to your right (you can't miss it).
Luxury camping doesn't need to be experienced at some snobby retreat - you can take your show on the road and pick your own path with the Crystal Bubble Portable Home.
If you want to take a weekend road trip, you can make that decision on the spur of the moment.
Take time to reflect on individual and team values and goals, both immediate and down the road.
He wanted more than anything to call her and tell her that he loved her, but he was afraid to take his eyes off the road.
I need to continuously ask myself, do I want to take the easy road and settle?
My car that was under the porch sits outside the gate but I have no keys to take the injured to hospital. And no road I suppose.
Cash for Clunkers was designed to boost the sagging sales of American automakers and take vehicles with low fuel economy off the road.
After a minute or two, she spotted what looked like a road that would take her around the block and back to the intersection.
Just like the Cat was trying to tell Alice, which road you take depends a great deal on where you want to end up.
Just like the Cat was trying to tell Alice, which road you take depends a great deal on where you want to end up.