The world is full of schemers who are just waiting to take you for a ride.
Master Huang: Oh, it's a quarter to four, I planned to take you for a ride in Central Park in a horse and carriage.
This is a catch all but it is important. The world is full of schemers who are just waiting to take you for a ride.
Have you ever felt that your emotions take you for a ride when you actually, really don't need them to do that right now?
Just take some precautions to avoid being taken advantage of - and at the same time, even if you get taken for a ride, you will have still helped someone!
Just keep in mind that you've hired the guide to take you for a tour, not for a ride - they may be receiving kickbacks.
You can take a ride on the boat for several days, and you sleep and eat on board.
You don't need to go all-out -- go for a walk, take a 30-minute bike ride, or sign up for a yoga class.
You don't need to go all-out -- go for a walk, take a 30-minute bike ride, or sign up for a yoga class.