These gorgeously lit, engaging images will take your breath away!
Life is not amount of breaths you take, it's the moments that take your breath away.
Life is not the amount of breaths you take, it's the moments that take your breath away.
Life is not the amount of breaths you take. It's the moments that take your breath away.
Life is not the amount of breathes you take, It's the moments that take your breath away.
Life is not zhe amount of zhe breaths you take, It's zhe moments that take your breath away.
Human beings will take your breath away. They will teach you a lot... but you have to engage.
Life is not the amount of breaths you take. It's the moments that take your breath away. - hitch.
Set in a vast resort, an exciting battle begins with rival dealers that'll take your breath away!
Metersbonwe : Life is not the amount of breaths you take, it's the moments that take your breath away.
Love is to cherish the moments that take your breath away and find that reliable man to settle down with.
Hey there, Delilah, I've got so much left to say if every simple song I wrote to you would take your breath away, I'd write it all.
Some of them will take your breath away, some of them will make you think, and the rest, probably, will encourage you to try them at home.
Now the Union soldiers could see across the valley. They watched as the Confederate soldiers formed a long line. It was a sight to take your breath away.
Edinburgh’s mix of ancient and modern is sure to take your breath away (3). Crowded buildings line sloping (4) streets where discos blend with quaint (5) shops.
在爱丁堡,古色古香的建筑和现代建筑荟萃一处,足以让你看得目不转睛。 在城里斜坡状的街道上漫步,随处可见迪厅和古雅的小店比肩而立。
We recently asked people to tell us about the most suspenseful book they'd ever read — and they totally delivered. These titles will definitely take your breath away.
最近我们请人们列举出自己读过的最精彩的悬疑小说,人们给我们的答案五花八门。这些书一定会让你投入其中不能自拔! !
To be able to take your breath away when I walked into a room, or to be the life of the party and have everyone fawning over me as I wore only the finest clothes and sported the perfect body.
Take a deep breath in and breathe out, once again. Now imagine that the tension in your entire body melts away and you are flowing softly in the stream of serenity.
If you are in sales their new book Take their Breath Away: How Imaginative Service Creates Devoted Customers should be on your reading list.
when designing this take- your-breath-away clinton corners, ny country house nina gotlieb strove to create a relationship between the house and its forest setting.
Saunter into it, and take a breath of refreshing nature, something may well remind you of your hometown miles away.
Life is not counted by the amount of breaths you take, but by The Times life takes your breath away.
The style of your wearing school uniforms with the tie take my breath away (made me breathless).
The style of your wearing school uniforms with the tie take my breath away (made me breathless).