A good many students in our school have taken an active part in the movement against pollution.
China has consistently taken an active part in the ARF foreign ministers' meetings, senior officials' meetings and unofficial meetings.
China has taken an active part in the negotiations on CTBT, with a view to concluding a comprehensive test ban treaty no later than 1996.
To this end, China has placed great importance on and taken an active part in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF).
The SCO has taken an active part in addressing the issue of Afghanistan, and made its own contribution to an accelerated process of peace and reconstruction in Afghanistan.
Third, China has constantly strengthened the control over the exports of weaponries for anti-proliferation purposes and taken an active part in international anti-proliferation process.
Second, China has taken an active part in international arms and disarmament efforts, strictly abided by and comprehensively fulfilled the obligations of international arms control treaties.
Second, China has taken an active part in international arms and disarmament efforts, strictly abided by and comprehensively fulfilled the obligations of international arms control treaties.