The armed forces seem to have been taken by surprise by the ferocity of the attack.
The Dutch goalkeeper, Maarten Stekelenburg, like Muslera, was taken by surprise.
So I wasn't as taken by surprise when I started to choke up during my wedding today.
He opened the envelope, taken by surprise, gave the shredding scattered in his hands on.
The usual way to avoid being taken by surprise by something is to be consciously aware of it.
But 'Sonny could not believe that Brasi had either turned traitor or had been taken by surprise.
One evening at home, downstairs, we just open the elevator, it was Montreal bulb fragments taken by surprise.
IF THE Federal Reserve does increase interest rates on December 16th, very few investors will be taken by surprise.
"Don't...... light-on." I is again taken by surprise ground to shout a way, the voice shivers a morsel shredded and disorganized.
Gathering himself quickly up, he stood more erect, like a man taken by surprise in a mood to which he was reluctant to have witnesses.
The bride is taken by surprise, by hands down the crummiest friends you could have, and covered from head to toe with all kinds of crap.
The men at the gate were taken by surprise. I rode one down, wrenched away his spear, and drove it through the throat of my closest pursuer.
Greenfinch, thus taken by surprise, began bleating furiously, angry at being held so fast and prevented from continuing her voyage of discovery.
A U. S. company was taken by surprise when it introduced its product in Latin America and learned that the name meant "jackass oil" in Spanish.
In the end, the London you'll discover will surely include some of our enthusiastic recommendations, but be prepared to be taken by surprise as well.
Shanghai Daily said that "security at the show was taken by surprise by the size of the crowds," but doesn't comment on the rumors of more serious problems.
Are they any better than their mainstream competitors at detecting emerging risks, most of which have also been taken by surprise by such corporate reverses?
A couple of people were taken by surprise as they thought the driver may have forgotten to engage the parking brake, but no, the car had switched over to battery power.
For example: memory, for example, we do not participate in each other's past, so one day, when the past to dizzying attitude, we will be playing to be taken by surprise.
A strong goal of all working on the Earth's Transformation is to have the cover-up break, and having the cover-up artists taken by surprise, taken off guard, is a tool to be used.
The world of 2008 was taken by surprise by the violent impact of the crisis, but paradoxically the international system was better equipped to respond being organized around an undisputed leader (24).
While quick release of version 5.0 was expected, what has really taken enterprise community by surprise is Mozilla's end of support to Firefox 4.0 which is just three months old.
虽然已经预计到5.0会快速发布,但是让企业社区惊讶的是Mozilla对仅三个月的Firefox 4.0停止支持。
That the iPad seems to have taken so many of Apple's competitors by surprise is, well, surprising.
The author of the book, one Agnes Nutter, was not surprised by this, but then, it would have taken an awful lot to surprise Agnes Nutter.
The author of the book, one Agnes Nutter, was not surprised by this, but then, it would have taken an awful lot to surprise Agnes Nutter.