Even after taking bribe they were not provindig quick service.
Part six: the last part begins with a classic case, it expresses the understanding to the after taking bribe.
It shall be guilty of taking bribe, if the organisations or individuals accept the secret discount without normal accounting records.
[color=#000000]Along with the obscurantist language, bribe-taking culture around the world often involves the avoidance of physically handing the money from one person to another.
The road commissioner was arrested today for taking a bribe from the contractor he hired to build the new highway.
But Mr Mills has already been convicted of taking the bribe, and has lost his first appeal.
"It's like the last days of Pompeii," he said of the bribe-taking that consumed roughly a tenth of his costs, the same proportion, he said, as criminals extorted in the 1990s.
Hillary Clinton was credibly accused of taking a bribe during her cattle futures scandal and there have been numerous allegations that money was paid to Bill Clinton.
The judge was impeached for taking a bribe.
The judge scorned taking a bribe.
The objective factors of bribery guilt which mainly discusses the conforming of taking advantage of official advantages, the scope of bribe takers and where about the illicit money.
The deputy manager was impeached for taking a bribe.
The judge is impeached for taking a bribe.
And much could be done to make bribe-taking harder. One idea is to put public tenders online.
Bribery crime has the subtending of briber-offering and bribe-taking, so there are confusions in defining the surrender of bribery crimes by judicial organs.
There is research which proves that women are not inclined to bribe-taking, "the paper quoted him as saying. A few women already serve in the traffic police."
There is research which proves that women are not inclined to bribe-taking, "the paper quoted him as saying. A few women already serve in the traffic police."