Why are you taking down all the pictures?
They are taking down a crane [the scaffolding].
I am not collecting postcards, I am taking down wonderful moments in life.
The Attack Bike is very effective at taking down Orcas, Firehawks, and Vertigoes.
Have you ever thought how much time your typist wastes in taking down your letters?
Young waiters shuttled in and out, sometimes taking down something in a little book.
When you are old and gray and full of sleep, and nodding by the fire, taking down this book.
Using Facebook effectively in a job search requires more than just taking down the party-animal photos.
The system was built in an effort to create a "one-mech" defensive system capable of taking down a starship.
Judging from the campaign so far, they certainly have the best hope in a long time of taking down a prized GRC.
Fulda said Wikileaks can't depend indefinitely on drastic measures, such as taking down the site, to raise funds.
I gingerly took the skirt from him, and placed it in the pile of clothes that we were taking down to the mortician.
On the telephone I feel as if I am testifying in court and a stenographer is taking down every misbegotten syllable.
These outdoor rooms helped open the house up more to the outside without taking down any walls or changing the layout.
With fangs bared and claws ready to attack, she focuses all of her power and girth at taking down the potential threat.
Lehman Brothers, after all, still had an A2 credit rating when it went under, taking down with it billions in commercial paper.
He also said he had been injured at a party the previous weekend while taking down a marquee erected for a children's party.
The police car idled in the driveway for a minute, perhaps taking down the license number of Isabel’s car, and then pulled away.
All this was so pleasing, Gong Mingyi felt deeply moved and couldn't help taking down his lute and beginning to play before the cow.
She's thinking of taking down the few photos she has up because it's so easy for people to download pictures of her from another person's profile.
All night long I smell the lilacs in the little dark room where she is taking down her hair, the lilacs that I bought for for her as she went to meet Sylvester.
with Edward Hirsch, you describe this image of your friend RobertPhelps going through his books, taking down the ones that didn’t measure up andleaving them in the hall.
Of course, she didn't necessarily have to make such a dramatic entrance, swooping in and taking down the deputies with her superpowered fangs, but Caroline likes attention.
If you have been a UNIX systems administrator for a while, you are probably familiar with the ifconfig command as a means of bringing up and taking down network interfaces.
Retail giant Hammerson is now taking down mirrors from its Birmingham Bullring, Bristol Cabot Circus and Croydon Centrale malls in a bid to boost the confidence of female shoppers.
Retail giant Hammerson is now taking down mirrors from its Birmingham Bullring, Bristol Cabot Circus and Croydon Centrale malls in a bid to boost the confidence of female shoppers.