Now we're going to talk about the business requirements for your enterprise SOA.
When people need to deal with the business, they like to book a table in the hotel, and talk about the business work while they are having dinner.
For example, we often talk about the business climate (the eather) and the physical or infrastructural factors (the terrain), and how they can impact on the conduct of business.
For example, we often talk about the business climate (the weather) and the physical or infrastructural factors (the terrain), and how they can impact on the conduct of business.
My boss makes annual formal visits to each of divisions to talk about the state of the business and to listen to employees' concerns.
We meet for three hours every morning and talk about all the business, about what's going on everywhere.
A lot of Sysadmins and developers all over the world write, meet and talk about DevOps: How to collaborate better so we can deliver business value faster.
全球很多的系统负责人和程序开发者都在撰写、聚会 和讨论关于DevOps的事:如何能更加有效的协作、让我们更快的创造商业价值。
The pair spent a lot of time talking about life, philosophy and business, but they didn't talk about James' future in Cleveland.
Steve Jones: in the book I talk about understanding the business value of a service, cloud really plays in to this as it helps to better align the delivery costs of services to their business value.
I'll begin with a brief introduction to stateful application management, then talk about how different solutions can be applied to either the Web or the business tier.
Most projects have a dedicated requirements phase in which business analysts and consultants talk with end-users and business owners about what they want or need the system to do.
We'll talk about cash flow statements next week and the fact that a balance sheet has to balance can be very helpful in analyzing and projecting out the cash flow of a business.
Normally, we use the term current or demand account when we talk about a checking account maintained by a business firm.
"If you talk to them about vacations, they must always find a way to bring the conversation back to the business," he says.
Most of the people who want to borrow money from the Banks -let's talk about businesses -we're accepting business loans -they don't want to have to pay the money tomorrow.
They usually talk about it as the "lost decade," where Japanese banks were not liquidated but they were not really in business.
Now that you've begun to familiarize yourself with the business world, you need someone to talk about it with.
Six months ago Jerry Yang took the stage at the D Conference to talk about the state of his business.
六个月之前杨致远在全数字化会议上(D Conference)对他们的经营情况侃侃而谈。
My mother and her friends always talk about the gossip when they stay together, unlike my father and his friends, they are talking about the business.
Professional surveyors talk a lot about the concept of "fit:" Is your business meshing with your desired audience?
I think the ideas around SOA are out there though and personaly I’d far rather talk about good business-focussed SOA (Steve Jones style perhaps) and then dig into the domain models.
If you're in the business and you continually create posts to talk about your business, you're self-promoting.
Situation: Peter Chen visits Jim Bennet for the first time, and they talk about doing business together.
You're right, sir. But we usually use the term current account when we talk about checking account kept by a business firm. It is often called a demand account as well. So they mean the same thing.
"When I talk to students now I advise them to think about what they can actually use in the future -- courses on personal finance, marketing, business, " she explains.
"When I talk to students now I advise them to think about what they can actually use in the future -- courses on personal finance, marketing, business, " she explains.