We don’t want employees wasting time talking about sports or video games or food or anything else that isn’t directly related to their jobs.
They are talking about when and where to hold the autumn sports meeting.
ESPN's TV, radio and Internet commentators who usually would rank soccer about 15th on the list of sports to discuss have been talking up the American team, with a clear push from above.
There were also formal programs like Little League baseball and school-organized sports teams, but that's not what I am talking about here.
Antique and sports car brings short-lived happiness and only one kind of happy can be buyed: that is as you are being an investor, you heard a young man excitedly talking about his new business plan.
If you would like to join a sports team, but you don't know which one to try out for, a good way to start is by talking about it with your PE teacher.
These shoes that I am talking about (the sports store shoes) are really cheap too, you can get shoes around $30 U.
These shoes that I am talking about (the sports store shoes) are really cheap too, you can get shoes around $30 U.