Financing your studies may seem like a tall order, but there is plenty of help available.
Whenever I tried to bend myself in order to appear shorter, he would tell me, "Stand straight and tall, Alisa."
Randy made a path (小路) in the forest in order that people could see the tall tree.
Undoubtedly, this is a tall order - but I see this as the real challenge we need to confront and overcome.
That's a tall order for a tower, but the collection of non-profits that comprise the Center, along with a strong community, feel up to it.
However, CCS has yet to be demonstrated on anything like the necessary scale, so deploying enough of it to replace existing and expected nuclear plants is a tall order.
That is a tall order, and feasible thanks only to IBM's progress in other businesses, which has partly offset the difficulties in services.
Trying to deal with all the sources of the many gases involved in a single set of negotiations, in a forum of 193 countries, was always a tall order.
To get the spectrum allocated to commercial mobile services within six years may be a tall order.
Half the price of coal and no carbon: That’s a tall order, which is why Gates is looking for a miracle.
It's a tall order, and at the moment Vietnam is seen as a production base for lower value-added goods like textiles, furniture or footwear.
We should seek an individual who is ruthless about protecting us against others, but acts with charity toward all and malice toward none at home: a tall order.
It's a tall order: Over the next few decades, the world will need to wean itself from dependence on fossil fuels and drastically reduce greenhouse gases.
All this is a tall order. Politicians have failed to control the costs of ageing populations for years.
In fact, tall lines running up and down the screen are similar to horizontal lines, in that they communicate stability, order, and give structure to the page.
The new film's lukewarm reception, let alone the current economic climate, make it a tall order.
These crazy numbers show that managing these kinds of funds can be too tall an order for many investors.
In theory, they must prove that the EPA's foot-dragging has caused them some specific harm that regulation might remedy-a tall order in a field as fraught with uncertainty as climatology.
"I know it's a tall order, but I haven't heard a good explanation yet as to why that shouldn't happen," he said.
John Quelch, the new dean of the China-Europe International Business School, has a tall order: getting CEIBS ranked next to Harvard and Wharton (right now it's in the top 20 worldwide).
In order to understand how they do what they do, Socha and his colleagues recently studied Chrysopelea paradisi snakes as they launched themselves off a branch at the top of a 15-meter-tall tower.
Feeding a world population approaching seven billion against a background of growing concern over our planet's capacity to adapt to a changing climate is a tall order.
Tall order: despite Argentina's struggles during qualifying they eventually sealed their 2010 World Cup spot
That is a tall order and very few graduates will be able to meet all those expectations.
Persuading teachers without the usual inducement of higher pay will be a tall order.
Persuading teachers without the usual inducement of higher pay will be a tall order.