Then I tamp down the soil with the back of a rake.
The good news: you don't tamp down your feelings.
On Monday, the White House aimed to tamp down expectations.
The growth deficit in Europe and Japan is also helping to tamp down inflation.
Otto von Bismarck, a Prussian chancellor, used his to tamp down the tobacco in his pipe.
But Iraq has yet to pass an oil revenue-sharing law, something that could tamp down major sectarian strife.
The authors recommend a simple approach: clean the area, and use a cold pack to tamp down inflammation and numb the nerves.
This time it isn't royals imposing rules to tamp down the bourgeoisie, but the middle class creating rules to drag down the wealthy.
Spongy people who start to feel uneasy in company will often dismiss or tamp down their feelings, but a better idea is to let those emotions loose.
For eu leaders struggling to find any glimmers of hope for their economically troubled members, Gadhafi's death may be enough to tamp down at least one fire in the euro zone.
But with the turn of the millennium, many diseases, such as Alzheimer's and schizophrenia, remained mysterious, and treatments continued to tamp down symptoms rather than address causes.
Pork prices in China are at record levels even after Beijing pledged to decant some of its reserves on to the market this week in an attempt to tamp down the cost of the staple protein.
即便在北京方面本周承诺将部分储备冻猪肉投放市场以平抑肉价之后,中国猪肉价格仍处于创纪录水平。 猪肉是中国人摄取蛋白质的主要来源之一。
But it remains an open question whether the move will be enough to tamp down rising prices across the economy, especially those of food and commodities, which have been climbing world-wide.
The boys shovel dirt onto the small grave and tamp it down.
The boys shovel dirt onto the small grave and tamp it down.