He looked tanned and well rested after his holiday.
Asian women prefer to avoid the sun because being pale or white is considered beautiful, whereas a tanned complexion is considered much more beautiful and sexy in the west.
I scanned left and saw his profile picture, which featured fetchingly dishevelled hair, tanned cheeks and a background of a campus lawn.
In the UK, Richard was given a slimmer waist, tanned arms and longer legs.
I just don't understand why foreigners would like their skins to be tanned.
Although I wear a higher SPF sunscreen, I also get tanned under the scorching sun.
There was a gray tinge to her tanned skin, the kind you usually see only on older women.
Its leaves were shaped like flat hands, and its trunk was the hue of tanned human flesh.
The tanned and toned bodies of beach volleyball players suggest carefree, healthy lifestyles.
I bring you greetings from a person who is called... a person who is sun-tanned... Barack Obama.
Their skin is weathered and tanned, as if they have fossilised themselves in ozone to keep death at bay.
You wouldn't believe it, but they go sunbathing at the beach together - his wife is also sun-tanned.
His tanned face was wreathed in smiles and he hugged his two small children and gave his wife a kiss.
"Although I am in my 50s, I feel no difference in terms of health from when I was young," the tanned man said.
The study also found that those who had no freckles on their skin tanned more easily than those with freckles.
Starting in the UK, a young tanned brunette poses in a simple white tank top and jeans with a full face of make-up.
Perma-tanned Giorgio Armani explains that new, soft-coloured clothes require women with “moonlike skin rather than sun-baked”.
Adjust your eyewear once in a while during your tanning session will help reduce the demarcation of tanned to non-tanned skin.
Up to me came one and a rickshaw puller, a husky and sun-tanned middle-aged man. He lowered his cart and asked, "Where'd ya go?"
Elsewhere, the skin would be tanned and made into shoes and other leatherware. But in this village, it was just thrown to the dogs.
"Red or white?" asked Roger, whose open shirt revealed a tanned breast dotted with sparse gray hairs and divided by a narrow gold chain.
罗杰问道。 从他敞开的衬衣领子里可以看到他晒黑的胸膛上稀疏地长着灰色的绒毛,还有一条金链子悬在胸膛中间。
Phil Jackson returned from his Montana ranch, looking tanned and relaxed. It belied, however, his eagerness for the season to begin.
She is tanned, blonde (honey, rather than Donatella-platinum) and dressed in black trousers, a black silk T-shirt and silver sandals.
She is tanned, blonde (honey, rather than Donatella-platinum) and dressed in black trousers, a black silk T-shirt and silver sandals.