A new way for maching of long taper hole on universal lathe is discussed, which could ensure machining quality, heighten productivity and gain good result.
The interior circumferential wall of the connecting pole can be equipped with the thread hole or the taper hole connecting with a machine tool and an electric drill.
Taper the plug off a bit with a chisel so that it will sit into the hole.
In fact besides cutting the taper surface, the small feeding carriage can be also used to finish hole and other round or compensate cylinder's taper error.
The extrusion and piercing die was developed based on the technical analysis on the shaping characteristics of deep taper pipe with hole.
Taper the plug off a bit with the chisel so that it will fit into the hole.
Maybe the chemically etched can form the taper but the hole dimension maybe too big if only etch from one side.
Maybe the chemically etched can form the taper but the hole dimension maybe too big if only etch from one side.