Antipattern: Target-specific data is entered into configuration files in each environment.
Loads can be more evenly distributed among transmission components due to modern computing methods and target-specific component development.
Business process database: a deployment target-specific database with a default name of BPEDB, containing the tables related to business process choreography.
Once the structure of the processed data conforms to the target model, the consolidation server applies the data to the target, possibly using target-specific connectors again.
The Crime Prevention Bureau continued to promote the principles of self-protection for both the public and private sectors through the provision of target-specific security advice.
Common Event Infrastructure database: if the Common Event Infrastructure (CEI) is used in a WebSphere Process Server installation, a deployment target-specific database is needed here also.
公共事件基础设施数据库:如果公共事件基础设施(Common Event Infrastructure,CEI)在WebSphereProcessServer安装中使用,那么这里还需要一个特定于部署目标的数据库。
Used in combination with a target-specific xenon biomolecular sensor, we should be able to study the gas-exchange in the lung and detect cancerous cells at their earliest stage of development.
The integration of antitumor antibiotic and antibody engineering can serve as new technical platform for manufacture of a series of various target-specific antibody-based drugs for cancer therapy.
Pests often target specific tree species and, if they become established, they usually remain as permanent components of the ecosystem.
There is the program target—people in the market segment with the "best fit" characteristics for a specific product.
A key decision required of advertising managers is whether a "hard-sell" or "soft-sell" strategy is appropriate for a specific target market.
However, the workflows are only samples and should be tested before using in your specific target environment.
For each target device, a specific version of the application is created when the project is built.
Policies defined at high order targets can be overridden by policies set at a more specific target for the same assertion type.
The ability to associate an SSL configuration with specific target hosts and ports.
Other issues, Trenberth says, are the cost and the location: Should sulfur dioxide seeding be global, or more localized to target specific parts of the planet?
The interceptors can target a specific subset of the deployed EJBs by further refining the definitions.
A key part of Merita's marketing strategy has been to target carefully specific products toward individual foreign markets.
The more you can target specific companies, positions, and locations, the more time you'll save.
These allow health workers to target specific antibiotics against particular strains of tuberculosis which are resistant to different drugs.
The truth is once you target a few specific shows and cut out commercials, there’s really not that much to watch.
That's why we like Posting jobs on websites that target specific industries.
The specific target star has not yet been selected, but its choice will be narrowed by a number of factors.
Dynamic Assembler USES the more specific target when resolving conflicts between policies.
The IBM Data provider actually comprises provider assemblies that target specific application development requirements.
IBMData Server . NETProvider实际上包含两个. NET提供者配件,它们分别针对特定的应用程序开发需求。
A product focusing on a specific target market contrasts sharply with one following the marketing strategy of mass marketing.
Stuxnet is also illuminating in another way: it reveals the potential for cyber-weapons that target specific systems, rather than simply trying to cause as much mayhem as possible.
We could target specific abnormal proteins, put a polar charge on the nanoparticles and use magnets to focus them on those areas of the tumor.
We could target specific abnormal proteins, put a polar charge on the nanoparticles and use magnets to focus them on those areas of the tumor.