Bild's own target group, blue-collar workers, is a shrinking audience too.
As usual, it depends on the context and on the target group you are dealing with.
With the target group in mind, we list the features that we want to include in the design.
These adjustments have provided customers with more choices and enlarged its target group.
It means that for every file in source group you may view target group files similar only to it.
The results showed that the target group needed this training and their knowledge had improved greatly.
These concepts, it is harmonious positioning of the target group to associate with the brand positioning.
What is good or bad depends on many factors — for example, the task at hand and the specific target group.
The campaign has expanded its target group and its goals and has also assumed a new role in nation building.
The cultural tourist target group catered by the design and lifestyle hotels is the so-called lifestyle guest.
After the report is created, the target group and distribution form (such as email or Web portal) can be administered.
Be in abroad, according to target group demand different, the content of "of" limited service somewhat difference.
Yes. A specific subject-selection system allows the training coordinator to select relevant subjects for each target group.
Identify a group as people you want to work with, not as a target group you want to bring "on side". Treat people as people first.
The study suggests that CHD intervention programmes need to be more sensitive to the social environment and age of the target group.
About 25% of China's online population are moderate users, which is likely the most promising target group for online marketing.
A promising way to create value for your target group and earn great links is to think of issues or problems your users might encounter.
With the growing of consumers'living level, the mature target group of the top grade cosmetic industry has growing larger and larger.
The brand is positioning itself to represent taste, affluence and confidence, and its target group are mid and upper class commercial clients.
Methods: A peer education on harm reduction that focuses on needs of the target group has launched in two force detoxification centers in Kunming.
The target group of the survey was couples with one spouse working across the border and their children between the ages of 8-17, if there were any.
The target group of the advertiser has to fit to the target group of the media, the product or service advertised needs to fit to the advertising channel.
Through a careful study, I sum up to a large amount of materials on region analyses, target group and product category for luxuries consumption of our country.
Create a clear call to action with your marketing content, give your customers the chance and motive to take action. Prioritize content aimed at a target group.
On the basis of this, wechat business in marketing if you can hit the target group of inferiority complex body, nature can get twice the result with half the effort.
Conclusion: Harm reduction project should be a comprehensive and multi-level and focus on needs of target group and community if the project wants to get successful.
The cost increase of target group analyses 4 quadrant that frame fastens by a coordinate to form, among them ordinate represents cost, the abscissa represents an increase.
The target group for this keyboard is of course people who have limited or no motion in their fingers or hands, and that's a very good thing - but anyway, it's a weird keyboard.
The target group for this keyboard is of course people who have limited or no motion in their fingers or hands, and that's a very good thing - but anyway, it's a weird keyboard.