The tradeoff between process efficiency and target purity is emphasized.
While other platforms target enterprise developers and strive for a degree of purity, PHP is thought of as very pragmatic language that has grown around its developers' needs.
It can be wide used in maize seed purity identification, genetic background analysis of maize germplasm, fast selection and screening of target gene, maize inbred lines purification, et al.
In this paper, a method for calculating track purity is proposed in order to realize the correlation between fusion tracks and true target tracks.
Results: The target compound was obtained with higher yield and purity. The total yield increased from literature-reported 8.5% to 12.7%.
SDS-PAGE was used to detect the purity of target protein. A higher bioactivity of purified products was shown by the determination of dot-blotting assay and fibrinogen-clotting analysis.
通过SDS - PAGE检测融合蛋白的纯度,采用点杂交和纤维蛋白凝结活性检测分析,显示纯化产物具有较高生物活性。
The construction of the target holder was changed so as to keep no other materials included in target surface, thus improving the purity of the films prepared by arc discharge deposition.
The construction of the target holder was changed so as to keep no other materials included in target surface, thus improving the purity of the films prepared by arc discharge deposition.