To make sure everyone on my team understands my definition of what "complete" means, I provide a detail task list template for everyone to use as an estimation worksheet.
This is a human activity that is started when the user selects it from a task list (presented by a BPM user interface).
Anyone running these processes now needs to learn only one basic task list with a few minor variations, which leads to more consistent results and fewer defects.
In large applications with many users and many concurrent tasks, a user needs the ability to arrange his or her task list according to criteria.
When you enable this option, you can select which task list to retrieve the next task from, and select the order in which to get the next task.
When two or more users try to claim or check out the same task from their group's task list, only the first user will succeed.
Building an efficient task list containing a large number of tasks or attributes (for example, columns in a grid) can be rather challenging.
Deploying several VM deployment tasks using a task list.
Deploy several VM deployment tasks using a task list.
Your task list doesn't need to be long or complicated, but it should be clear. If any items are vague, then break them down further.
The previous section suggests keeping the number of users who have access to a common task list small.
The user navigates to those pages by simply clicking on the task in a task list.
BPM platforms may provide a way of sending this activity to a task list, and present a user interface (UI) for users to select tasks from the list.
In the integrated portal environment, one can both access a task list (see Figure 4) and work on tasks.
If, instead of putting at task on a common task list, a single task is assigned to multiple users, similar collision effects can occur.
Figure 23 recaps the main steps of creating a task list, opening a form, working with the business data, and then completing the task (with some details removed for clarity).
If users start working on tasks in their group task list, it might result in conflict 4 - many people will start working on the same task.
I originally looked for a task list object, but I could not see how to append an entry to the list.
In the previous installment, I discussed how to report errors in the task list by attaching a marker to a resource.
Your task list doesn't need to be long or complicated, but it should be clear.
And it's not even desirable to do a huge task list - you're just spinning your wheels.
This required the portal application to be able to display the task list within a specified time limit, perhaps two seconds.
I look at this list every morning and try to populate my Daily Task list with actions that will move me closer to attaining my objectives.
You can also list all the VM deployment tasks in the task list file and ask the VDM to process all the tasks in that list sequentially.
您还可以列出任务列表文件中的所有VM部署任务,并要求VDM 按顺序处理该列表中的所有任务。
The task list itself isn't a feature in process models; it's abstracted away.
The task list shows your task waiting to be completed, as Figure 37 shows.
You can use the task list in this article to build a simple FTE network, which will help you get started on FTE.
The manager clicks on the alert, and the portal displays his current task list which now includes the task to approve the employee's travel.
To change the filters, click the filter icon in the task list and in the problem list. Make sure that XM markers are selected.
To change the filters, click the filter icon in the task list and in the problem list. Make sure that XM markers are selected.