Both groups joined forces to persuade voters to approve a tax break for the industry.
Although the tax break is hard to defend, closing the loophole would lead to many small, weak hospitals shutting down-something voters would be unlikely to tolerate.
That is because, in Mr Norquist's book, taking away a tax break has an iniquitous corollary.
"I view child allowance as a tax break for people aged 35," said Hajime Kitano, chief Japanese equity strategist at J.P. Morgan in Japan.
摩根大通(j . P. Morgan)驻日本首席日股策略师hajimeKitano表示,我将育儿津贴看作是针对35岁人群的一种税收减免。
That means looking at every program and tax break in the budget - every single one - to find places to cut waste and save money.
That means looking at every program and tax break in the budget –every single one –to find places to cut waste and save money.
That means looking at every program and tax break in the budget – every single one – to find places to cut waste and save money.
Mr McCain wants to curb costs through greater competition and end the rule that says that only insurance provided by an employer enjoys a tax break.
In the past few weeks these have been revealed in all their dreadful clarity by an esoteric debate about the tax break for ethanol.
If you purchase the bonds in your child's name, you get a tax break when you redeem them.
It wouldn't, of course; claims that a corporate tax holiday would create jobs, or that ending the tax break for corporate jets would destroy jobs, are nonsense.
It is not fair or equitable to other recipients of fee income to give a special tax break to certain kinds of fees and not to others.
The tax break on pay increases would apply only to workers making $106, 800 or less.
同时,对于工资增长所带来的减税只能针对于那些年工资不超过$106 800的工人。
It would also restore a tax break for commuters, a foolish subsidy to pollution and traffic jams.
Now, it would be nice if we could keep every tax break, but we can't afford them.
One is the tax break that favours health insurance provided by employers, which leads to excessively generous coverage and hence over-consumption.
This may be softer than expected because of cuts in subsidies for solar power in Germany and Spain, and because of the looming expiry of a big tax-break in America.
American politicians have periodically allowed a tax break for wind generation to expire, for example.
Until now, the VAT paid by Sky's subscribers has been half the normal 20% rate, a tax break designed to promote an alternative to the existing "duopoly".
The Tories plan to tempt couples down the aisle with a tax break, perhaps allowing married couples to pool their tax-free personal allowances.
The stimulus package allows firms to convert the tax break into upfront payments.
Their avowed fiscal conservatism is clouded by their pet inheritance-tax cut and tax break for marriage.
And what I want to do is to make sure that the plumber, the nurse, the firefighter, the teacher, the young entrepreneur who does not yet have money, I want to give them a tax break now.
So, for example, we’re told that it’s all about helping small business; but only a tiny fraction of small-business owners would receive any tax break at all.
Whether he can fix them is another question: the Conservatives' old, tokenistic plan for a tax break for married couples, discussed again this week, is unlikely to help.
If Congressman Blowhard ever got his way, the snipe hunters of the world would surely fight to keep their tax break.
Here's a little tax break for you: If you rent out part of your personal residence for fewer than 15 days, you need not include the rent you receive in your income.
This is the first time in over three decades that the Senate has challenged the sacrosanct $6 billion-a-year tax break for American corn-growers and ethanol producers.
This is the first time in over three decades that the Senate has challenged the sacrosanct $6 billion-a-year tax break for American corn-growers and ethanol producers.