It will come as a rude shock when their salary or income-tax refund cannot be cashed.
Income taxes skyrocketed and tax allowances were lowered.
In the market for personal accounting software for non-professionals to use in preparing their income tax returns, many of our competitors are outselling us.
I wouldn't be in favour of income tax cuts.
The proposed increase in income tax proved deeply unpopular with the electorate.
Most homeowners can get a federal income tax deduction on interest payments to a home equity loan.
Each person bowed before the ruler, his gold went onto one hip, his silver went onto another hip, and in this way he paid his income tax for the year.
Everyone with an income should pay income tax equal to a modest percentage of his income.
The Finance Ministry typically offers subsidies to various industries and sectors in the last two months of each year as part of distribution of the government's annual tax income.
After all, it is like a tax on income, and as such is not a symptom of growth.
And well-paid graduates already contribute more than others via income tax.
In America, for example, in 1987 the top 1% of taxpayers received 12.3% of all pre-tax income.
In Britain the share of pre-tax income flowing to the top 1% of earners more than doubled from 1976 to 2007, from 5.9% to 14.6%, and it has risen in other countries too (see chart 2).
Americans now save more than 5% of their after-tax income, still well below the post-war average but hugely up from only a year ago.
Before you gobble it up whole, divvy it up into three slices for after-tax income, savings, and everything else.
Consumer spending sank at a 3.5% annual rate, similar to its third-quarter drop, despite a big rise in real after-tax income, thanks to the huge drop in petrol prices.
The personal savings rate - the share of after-tax income saved - reached a low of about 1 percent in 2005.
Some regions, including Catalonia, will raise income tax.
The tax Policy Centre estimates that, under Mr Obama's plan, the after-tax income of the bottom 20% of people would be 5.4% higher while that of the top 1% of people would be 8% lower.
She started by having 8% of her pre-tax income set aside in her employer’s retirement plan.
In Venezuela 60% of tax income was dedicated to social programmes between 1999 and 2009; the poverty index fell from 49% to 24%, and the level of extreme poverty from 30% to 7%.
Their debts as a percentage of their annual after-tax income rose to a record 135 percent in 2007.
The globalization of a currency will bring a huge tax income to the currency distribution country from global money making.
In recent years the Chinese economy has been keeping rapid growing, but obviously the growth rate of tax income is higher than the GDP growth rate.
In recent years, the tax income has increased rapidly than the pace of the economy growth, therefore the tax incidence has been caused with an extensive concern and dispute.
Economists warned that if no new tax income, economic recovery is impossible, so more are on the deadlock appear.
Economists warned that if no new tax income, economic recovery is impossible, so more are on the deadlock appear.