The last thing you want to lose in a real estate transaction is a tax advantage.
He said that firms should not use debt beyond the point where the cost of debt becomes larger than the tax advantage.
There’s a big tax advantage to doing it that way, since employer contributions to health care aren’t considered taxable income.
But the firm has an advantage over its peers: Spanish law lets it write off goodwill against tax when making acquisitions, which means it can afford to pay more than rivals.
He thinks tax harmonisation means that European citizens will pay taxes wherever they hold their money, which strips away the advantage of offshore tax havens.
Its levy is supported by many bricks-and-mortar retailers, including Walmart and Target, which argue that exemption from the tax hands an unfair advantage to their online rivals.
Home resales jumped by 9.4% in September from August, the biggest rise in 26 years, as first - time buyers rushed to take advantage of a tax credit that is about to expire.
And you're taking advantage of the matching and the tax deferral that those all provide.
或许你想用你雇主的401 k计划,亦或许你想利用计划中提供的匹配资金和税收定存。
A particularly interesting related question: What is the best way to take advantage of tax credits to defray that spending?
Even advocates acknowledge that, as with any tax incentive, employers and their accountants will take advantage of loopholes.
If you think the tax system is unfair, blame the people who created it, not the financiers who took advantage of it.
Although many people take advantage of direct electronic submission of tax forms, a substantial amount of people still mail their paper forms to the IRS office.
You can avoid overpaying by knowing which tax breaks you could take advantage of, but you have to pay what you owe.
Local retailers have long protested that online stores' tax-free status gives them an unfair price advantage.
By not collecting sales tax, Internet retailers such as Amazon had a real price advantage over California's small businesses, such as booksellers, which have a physical presence in the state.
Teams whose payrolls exceed a given threshold would be subject to a punitive tax and prevented from taking advantage of most exceptions to the cap, making it all but equivalent to a firm ceiling.
Or is it, as its detractors claim, a simple financing ruse designed to allow rich people to take advantage of various tax breaks while simultaneously stripping assets and sacking workers?
During the recession, Texans were quick to point to the struggles in states like California, and to brag about the comparative advantage of Texas's low-tax, low-services model.
Contribute to a Roth IRA to the maximum every year you can because, hopefully, eventually you will earn too much to contribute and you'll want to take advantage of tax-free growth while you can.
In Alabama, computer solitaire has one advantage: Anyone buying a deck of playing cards there must pay a 10-cent tax.
Another advantage of a genuine inheritance tax (not a false friend like Britain's) is that the tax authorities can set different rates according to how close heirs are to the donor.
But for casino owners it still has a big advantage: its gambling-tax rate is capped at 6.75%.
You can't take advantage of tax benefits (like tax deductions for mortgage interest and property taxes) only available to homeowners.
JSON's terseness can also be an advantage in Ajax systems, which tend to tax browser processing and network bandwidth.
Much of the increase was caused by homebuyers rushing to take advantage of a tax credit that was due to expire by November 30th, but which Congress has extended to April.
The sixth line takes advantage of this technique with puts "Price: #{item[:price]} Tax: #{item[:tax]}".
第 6行代码的 puts "Price: #{item[:price]}Tax: #{item[:tax]}" 就利用了这项技术。
With the deadline to take advantage of the housing tax credit looming and with better weather on the way, potential buyers kept indoors by February snow may rush into the market.
This article mainly discusses the tax policies that will promote the transformation of our touristy resources advantage as a whole into industrial superiority and competitive edge.
This article mainly discusses the tax policies that will promote the transformation of our touristy resources advantage as a whole into industrial superiority and competitive edge.