Uses accelerated depreciation to vary the income tax impact each year and calculations are made on an after-tax basis.
This paper discusses on tax items, tax obligation term, tax basis, tax alleviation and tax management of stock option.
Tax basis of assets received by buyer and equity obtained seller is required to adjust when the restructuring is completed.
In 2009 Agricultural Bank's earnings rose by a staggering 26% (and by 41% on a pre-tax basis) because credit to customers grew by one-third.
Employermatching contributions can be made on behalf of designated Rothcontributions, but the employer match must be made on a pre-tax basis.
This is our actual purchase price and also our tax basis; GAAP "cost" differs in a few cases because of write-ups or write-downs that have been required.
House property taxes on tax according to the house of the residual value of the taxable income tax basis or rent for all people to property tax, a property.
Real estate tax actually refers to the real estate tax, land, housing or occupants of all taxes levied, the tax basis for the assessment of real property value.
The present natural resource tax has some problems, such as the nature localization is inappropriate, levies scope is too narrow, the tax basis is unreasonable, the unit tax amount is low, etc.
The essay analyzed the problems in real estate property tax, which are several aspects as follows: incomplete tax scopes, limited tax basis, unidentical tax systems and unreasonable tax measures.
Before the deregistration formalities are handled, an enterprise shall make a declaration to the tax organ and pay the enterprise income taxes on the basis of the income of the liquidation.
A more direct, though controversial, approach would simply be to tax people on the basis of their weight.
A coordinated and complete tax law system is the precondition and basis of taxation by law.
On the basis of analysis of e-business environment of China's tax collection and management problems.
The morals of the code of tax payment is the basis and premise of the subjective tax payment.
Therefore, discusses the reality basis which and the preparation space thoroughly the enterprise tax affairs prepare, bees the imminent question.
Salary: RMB 13500 (Gross salary pre-tax) per month paid on a 13-month basis per year after confirmation.
The author thinks, it was not only the agricultural tax with legal basis that caused peasant's burden to be heavy, there is illegal arbitrary charges even more!
Local government fiscal competition includes expenditure competition and tax competition, whose theoretical basis is fiscal decentralization theory.
The peak value analysis, has a certain theory basis and has obtained a certain effect in practice, which our national tax departments used commonly at present.
There is a difference between the accounting basis of tax accounting and the one of financial accounting.
Property tax in the text of the content and features on the basis of the existing real estate taxes through a fair functional analysis, to enhance the fairness of property tax policy proposals.
A tax on income from business and occupations was not a direct tax and could be subjected to taxation without the necessity of apportionment on the basis of population.
The Borrower shall promptly upon becoming aware that the Borrower must make a Tax Deduction (or that there is any change in the rate or the basis of a Tax Deduction) notify the Lender accordingly.
In this article, on basis of theories of International Tax Avoidance and Anti-Avoidance, the author has thoroughly studied the actions of Avoidance and the measures of Anti-Avoidance.
Accounting is the basis of tax levy while the result of tax levy in turn affects the economic benefits and accounting information of enterprises.
The second chapter analyzes the regional tax co-ordination on the basis of the theory.
The third part illustrates the theoretical basis of urban and rural tax integration of China.
The third part illustrates the theoretical basis of urban and rural tax integration of China.