Donors in the United States are able to receive tax benefits.
The tax benefits of Geneva are in any case overstated, says Kit.
On the other hand, some tax benefits are denied to couples filing separately.
Given the former is less than the latter, shareholders can enjoy the tax benefits.
Over all, the bill treats tax benefits as the equivalent of public expenditures for abortion.
Until this year, munis almost always yielded less than Treasuries because of their tax benefits.
Dutch tax benefits are typically available only to artists who are not citizens of the United States.
One billionaire even located his company's headquarters on a working farm so he could receive tax benefits.
Property: Entitled to joint title, transfer from one to the other on death, and property transfer tax benefits.
Their results are similar to ours in that they conclude that these tax benefits act as a non-debt tax shield and affect leverage.
In a meeting with investors last month, Google CFO Patrick Pinchette said tax benefits of these projects can generate high returns.
You can't take advantage of tax benefits (like tax deductions for mortgage interest and property taxes) only available to homeowners.
Like ours, the focus of their paper is on the impact of the tax benefits of employee stock options on capital structure and debt policy.
Variation along the dimension of option usage might be important of the relation between capital structure and expected tax benefits are important.
Also look into any employer-sponsored retirement plans you may have at work, which potentially offer tax benefits along with savings for the future.
The analytical results show that the Chinese listed companies don't have implicit tax burden and that tax benefits almost belong to these companies.
Theory suggests that firms with tax benefits from the exercise of stock options should carry less debt since tax benefits are a non-debt tax shield.
Civil unions afford couples largely the same rights as those of married couples — from insurance coverage to tax benefits and hospital visiting rights.
In addition, incorporation provides certain tax benefits, such as long-term-care insurance, which if bought by your corporation would be 100% deductible.
These plans are a particularly good deal if you don't have many medical expenses and can keep the money in the account for years to make the most of the tax benefits.
The federal tax law also classifies charitable organizations in various ways, and encourages the making of charitable gifts by giving the donor significant tax benefits.
One billionaire even located his company's headquarters on a working farm so he could receive tax benefits. When I visited his office there were sheep roaming around outside.
Third, the Navy Yard is designated by the State as an Empire Zone and by the City as an Industrial Business Zone, thereby providing significant tax benefits for creating jobs.
I had many reasons for getting married when I did, apart from the tax benefits of course (trying to make the tax inspector understand that I was my own spouse was hell, though).
The major flaw of modern capital structure theory is that it cannot explain very well many enterprises remain low debt levels when tax benefits is large and bankruptcy costs is small.
The stimulus package passed last spring offered tax benefits, including capital-gains tax exemptions and increases in the amount of business expenses that could be claimed for tax purposes.
A lot of analysts and investors think this deal is motivated by tax benefits rather than strategic advantages, since you would use the inclusion strategy to get a UK based tax treatment.
Therefore, this kind of problems should be discussed, a more perfect law should be made to perfect our tax benefits by the discussion and co - operation with other countries in the world.
There can be tax benefits from being a landlord because part of the building can be treated as a business. That allows deductions for depreciation and expenses that can be taken against rental income.
There can be tax benefits from being a landlord because part of the building can be treated as a business. That allows deductions for depreciation and expenses that can be taken against rental income.