Article 20 Interest earned from a postal savings account shall be tax exempt.
Your donations, made via the Peking University Education Foundation PKUEF USA, will be eligible for 501c. 3 tax exempt.
The agency admitted that when groups from the Tea Party Movement and other conservative groups applied for a tax exempt status.
It's fully road legal. It's got an MOT, it's tax exempt because the engine is from 1972 and for fully comp insurance it was only ?86.
In order to get tax exempt status, which is what it's called, those groups have to fill out an application and submit to other checks from the IRS.
A review of IRS practices shows that some Tea Party groups that applied for tax exempt status might have been the target of discrimination from some IRS agents.
About 15 percent of the township's property is tax-exempt.
Virtually all students will be exempt from the tax.
But foreign holding companies using Zurich as a base can be exempt from tax on non-Swiss earnings and firms can also apply for "mixed company tax privilege" to agree lower rates.
Congressman Devin Nunes of California has put forward a bill that will require states to move to more transparent accounting, on pain of being barred from issuing tax-exempt municipal bonds.
来自加州的众议员DEVIN .Nunes已经提出一个法案,要求各州转而采用更加透明的会计准则,违者将被禁止发行免税的地方债券。
Other tax - exempt groups are required to spend at least five percent of their endowments each year.
All tax-exempt organizations should continue to be entitled to their protected tax status. Can they really justify that their missions and programs are serving the common good?
There are also reliefs to shelter capital gains and, importantly, agricultural land is exempt from inheritance tax when simple conditions are met.
Houses of worship must refrain from endorsing or condemning specific candidates to maintain tax-exempt status.
The investors are exempt from tax in the first few years and may export the entire crop back home.
Grameen transferred the ownership of the Norwegian funds from one Grameen entity, fearing its tax-exempt status might be changed, to another.
Along with the scarcity of bond insurance, that could make life even harder for smaller borrowers whose principal appeal was their tax-exempt status.
Revoking the Church of Scientology's tax-exempt status garnered three times more votes than raising funding for childhood cancer.
Another would repeal the ability of U.S. companies that derive at least 80% of their income from foreign business to treat interest and dividends as exempt from U.S. withholding tax.
That is because interest on municipal bonds is generally tax-exempt. Investors accept a lower yield on a muni-bond than on a comparable Treasury bond on which they pay tax.
Article 29 the autonomous organ of an autonomous region of ethnic minorities may determine to reduce or exempt the enterprise income tax by enterprises within the said autonomous region.
Thirteen states exempt clothing from sales tax.
The European Commission's carbon tax plan will only exempt airplanes that have an annual carbon emission of less than 10 thousand tons.
Lower income tax may not have much effect: Many Chinese people have been exempt from income tax, while others evade tax idea.
Please exercise control over the excessively expanding number of the exiles exempt from tax.
Tax-exempt bonds; an untaxed expense account.
Tax-exempt bonds; an untaxed expense account.