The Caribbean has become an important location for international banking because it is a tax haven.
The ship will be owned by a holding company registered in a tax haven with a phoney board.
The second is setting up a company in a tax haven to tap its favourable tax-treaty network.
The City, as London's financial district is known, has come to rely on the UK's status as a tax haven.
Accusations that Switzerland is a tax haven usually come from countries that have a low level of taxpayer honesty.
But if Malaysia's status as an offshore financial centre and a tax haven grows, the country could face more pressure as well.
Having repelled attacks by rival pirate-radio operators, in 1978 the tower was temporarily captured by a German businessman intent on using the place as a tax haven.
There used to be a cigarette factory in Andorra and because of its status as a tax haven, you can purchase cigarettes here much cheaper than you can in Spain or France.
Even if a company's profits are higher as a result of using a tax haven, that money will flow out and eventually be taxed, for example as dividends when it reaches shareholders.
It was on show earlier this month as part of show RCA 2015 graduate exhibition, which also included a conceptual risk theme park and a tax haven of islands populated with extinct animals.
The state has no income tax and low business taxes and thrives as a tax haven both for individuals who have established residence and for foreign companies that have set up businesses and offices.
The state has no income tax and low business taxes and thrives as a tax haven both for individuals who have established residence and for foreign companies that have set up businesses and offices.