The tax hike stands an excellent chance of reducing per capita sales of cigarettes by four percent.
Instead, Congress should reduce spending and prevent another tax hike on American taxpayers.
That would be the functional equivalent of imposing a tax hike on already hard-pressed middle class workers.
"Our profits are expected to fall if the tax hike is imposed, as the Excise Department has planned," he said.
Obama is also pushing for a big tax hike on corporations, but the burden of that will also fall on working families.
John Edwards produced detailed proposals for universal health coverage, including tighter regulations and a tax hike.
A more common objection to Mr Obama's cap-and-trade proposal is that it would amount to a huge tax hike in the middle of a recession.
Wisconsin's Republican governor, Scott Walker, welcomed the Illinois tax hike gleefully, inviting businesses to move across the border.
威斯康星洲共和党州长斯科特·沃克(Scott Walker)对伊利诺伊州赋税的增加非常欢迎,鼓励企业跨越州界到威斯康星洲做生意。
He also said that he had made a mistake in signing the deficit-reduction bill with its gas-tax hike and that, if reelected, he'd cut taxes again.
The technology tax hike was expanded in February 2011 and now includes laptops and netbooks, in addition to the already restricted LCD monitors.
Louisiana's legislators were among those to shun a tax hike of any kind, but since January at least 37 states have raised or are considering raising taxes and fees.
The fall in the incidence of smoking is probably not surprising given the huge price and tax hike of October 1 last year, which separated the 2010 and 2011 surveys.
To prevent the resulting revenue loss from being made up with other charges, Proposition 13 also required two-thirds supermajorities in the legislature for any tax hike.
Japan tobacco Inc., which has the largest domestic market share at about 65 percent, has predicted the tax hike will cause about a 20 percent plunge in overall tobacco demand.
One organization says the tax hike could turn the state into a modern-day Gotham City, where cackling criminals in back alleys rule the day, much to the dismay of local law enforcement.
Drug stores are looking to cash in after the tax hike by expanding their lineup of smoking cessation products, while Japan Tobacco Inc. will be remodeling its products to counter any decline in sales.
ASSOCHAM is also in favour of anti-dumping measures, a hike in excise duties and changes in the goods and services tax (GST).
Eight million college students who'd otherwise face a tuition hike next semester will continue having access to the American Opportunity Tax Credit.
Eight million college students who'd otherwise face a tuition hike next semester will continue having access to the American Opportunity Tax Credit.