Upper-bracket taxpayers who elected to pay their tax increase in instalments must pay the third instalment by April 15.
There have been larger one-year drops in other nations: sales in Germany fell 9 percent in 2007 liable to a tax increase.
Officials declined to borrow against next year's state aid, they refused to trim extracurricular activities and they did not consider seeking a smaller—perhaps more acceptable—tax increase.
A premature tax increase in 1997 plunged it back into recession.
Japanese consumption-tax increase in 1997 is still blamed for derailing its recovery.
In this way, the tax increase contributed the most to the last year's revenue growth.
A Japanese consumption-tax increase in 1997 is still blamed for derailing its recovery.
Mr Zapatero sweetened the pill a few days earlier by announcing a tax increase for the rich in 2011.
The proposed tax increase, aimed at Spaniards earning over Euro 120,000, will do little to help that.
The proposed tax increase, aimed at Spaniards earning over Euro 120, 000, will do little to help that.
The tax increase will also tend to deter hiring of foreigners in China by raising the cost of doing so.
Our agenda has two items. They are the tax increase and improve the housing condition for our staff.
Of course this would only work if buyers reduced their demand in response to the tax increase in prices.
Some of Franklin Roosevelt's extra spending was offset by a tax increase enacted in Herbert Hoover's last year.
The middle class had been shafted in the eighties, and Bush had been crippled by signing a gas-tax increase.
And as the Speaker said, there is no way that the House of Representatives will support a tax increase, "he said."
Republicans say the budget is too big and that the proposed tax increase on the wealthy would hurt small businesses.
At the budget hearing, both the proponents and the opponents of the tax increase will be able to present their views.
Should a tax increase be necessary before then, Mr Okada says, the prime minister should resign and call a fresh election.
The plan also reduces teacher pay if students fail to improve on statewide tests. A local tax increase pays for the program.
Its spending continues to grow, but the short-term boost to its coffers from the tax increase on oil and gas seems to have run out.
Cynics accused Hillary and me of grandstanding to increase our popularity among people who would otherwise oppose any tax increase.
A 2002 tax increase was followed by an 11 percent reduction, according to the study published in the American Journal of Public Health.
And if you make less than $250,000, less than a quarter-million dollars a year, then you will not see one dime's worth of tax increase.
Mr. Kan has previously said Japan’s rising social welfare expenses and its soaring national debt make a sales tax increase inevitable.
When, ahead of upper-house elections last year, Mr Kan unexpectedly discussed a tax increase, voters punished the DPJ at the ballot box.
Tucker had already won the endorsement of the Arkansas Education Association by promising teachers a big pay raise without a tax increase.
If we allow that tax cut to expire -- if we refuse to act --middle-class families will get hit with a tax increase at the worst possibletime.
If you don't believe it, listen to Microsoft Corp. — which has said that it will move jobs offshore if the corporate-tax increase goes through.
If you don't believe it, listen to Microsoft Corp. — which has said that it will move jobs offshore if the corporate-tax increase goes through.