French taxicab driver once played a joke on Sir Arthur Conna Doyle.
Flying, driving a rental car or taking a taxicab would fall into that category.
Then, I could hook up another ambulance and a taxicab, a police car, a fire truck.
The man took her to safety, helped her get assistance and put her into a taxicab .
Taxicab drivers have to be rough and tumble fellows to be able to take it in New York.
Much scholarly research has since been dedicated to so-called taxicab Numbers like these.
Danny chose the taxicab because driving was about the only marketable skill he possessed.
Danny chooses the taxicab because driving is about the only marketable skill he possessed.
I could take a taxicab downtown, and find a job that would get me out of the house all day.
In all my years of driving a taxicab, I have never had any trouble with the public, not even with drunks.
In this image, the photographer combined two famous London features: a London taxicab and Westminster Abbey.
Ive been in the taxicab business for thirty-five years, and I know there is a lot about it that is not so good.
In a taxicab on a rainy day in New York City, Gretchen Rubin, 41, suddenly asked herself what she wanted most in life.
Five years ago I learned this lesson. I learned it in the back of a taxicab in Indianapolis. Here's what happened.
My mom may take a taxicab in New York City and may touch my software or buy a ticket to Alcatraz and may touch my software.
It can be hard to find a functioning seatbelt in an Istanbul taxicab, and when I do, I think twice about putting it on.
Chance meetings are one of life's little surprises. They can happen anywhere — in a market, on the street, even in a taxicab.
Industrial designer Alberto Villareal had an idea for a zero-emissions taxicab to replace the copious cabs of his home domicile: smog-choked Mexico City.
If a computer recognizes that a photo likely was taken in Japan, for instance, the computer will have a better idea of what a taxicab should look like.
At a convention in Washington, d. C., I met a man who was visiting from a rural community. One night, he got into a taxicab and saw the name Allah on the dashboard.
After struggling to follow all the lead-related rules, Mrs. Miller is now worried about the safety of sending her children to school in a taxicab from their temporary home.
Look for unusual ways to say something about the place you visit. In this image, the photographer combined two famous London features: a London taxicab and Westminster Abbey.
By piggybacking a corrected gene onto a virus - the taxicab that will deliver the gene - doctors will replace the disease-causing faulty gene in the retina with the corrected version.
As he threads his taxicab every day through the epic traffic jams in and around Shanghai, jabbering on his cell phone and muttering under his breath, Yang Jinyu seems an unlikely real estate mogul.
As he threads his taxicab every day through the epic traffic jams in and around Shanghai, jabbering on his cell phone and muttering under his breath, Yang Jinyu seems an unlikely real estate mogul.