Step into a tea house to take a rest.
In Chengdu, tea culture has developed into the Chengdu-featured tea house culture.
Walk out of the tea house, and go to the open-air theatre.
Visitors to Yangzhou can enjoy a bite of local dishes at Yechun Tea House.
The Tea House is nestled within a leafy backyard of a suburban home.
He used to come to the tea house, but I haven't seen him for nearly a month.
If tea can satisfy one's thirst, well then tea house can make Sichuan more charming.
Continue until you find these delightful lakeside pavilions and a charming tea house.
But, in Cantonese tea house, everything you can hear, see or smell is the original flavor of life.
He restored to the status of a commoner and happily chatted with friends of childhood in the tea house.
Comparing with Beijing and Hangzhou, Cantonese tea house is lucky for its retaining its original flavor.
Many people pay 10 Yuan and spend a whole day in tea house, enjoying tea, a newspaper, and some birds in cage.
First, an actor's line of Master Chang in Tea House written by Laoshe, "I love our country, but who loves me?"
The Tea House is one of the dramatic patterns with daily conversation and great narration perfectly blended.
We found a tea house and sat opposite each other. She ordered a chrysanthemum tea, I got a Lipton black tea.
Some old men can spend half of a day in tea house with just a pot of tea and two pieces oftaro cake or radish cake.
Actually, drinking tea in Cantonese tea house not only includes tea but also snacks or dim sum in the local dialect.
Spending a whole day at a tea house is the unique culture of the two cities; low prices make it more feasible there.
Dim sum is an important part in tea house, by which its making and variety can fully reveal the quality of the tea house.
Hidden in a hard-to-find alleyway, just down the road from the bustling Wudaokou subway station, is a tiny tea house.
With supporting tea house, beauty salon, and training center, it is an ideal place for golf lovers to improve skills.
So that is what I did, I took the first alleyway and went into the first tea house like restaurant that I could find.
As well as a tea house, the planted landscape deck has three feature pavilions which appear as clouds over the landscape.
And there is a system for researching tea including tea drinking (like tea types and water heat), tea pot art, and tea house.
Then we went to talk to a farmer who owned a tea house and Liu Yang was nice to translate for me and I also took some pictures.
This article introduces the study on grasping of feeling and Numerization management in the management practice of Baishayuan Tea house.
In order to offer convenience to the tourists, service facilities including tourist service center and tea house have been built in the park.
Many native Cantonese can't remember the first time they went to a tea house, probably because tea houses have been a part of their life since childhood.
People in the tea house were of all ages – some seemingly well into their eighties, others young couples with children, and then everything in between.
Viewing from another side, tea house has been a part in native Cantonese spirit; only in here, those people who are always busy for living will stop their step and enjoy happiness of life.