Such activities teach children crucial life skills such as team spirit and learning to take the rough with the smooth.
When kids participate in sport games just for fun, they will gain pleasure from the games, cultivate friendship with others and develop team spirit.
The team spirit and shared values of the athletes on Bowerman's teams carried over and provided the basis for the collegial style of management that characterized the early years of Nike.
That helps them build team spirit.
The team spirit really surprised me.
With strong team spirit, the Chinese women's volleyball players will fight for the national honor at the coming Olympics.
What spirit of the team encourages all Chinese?
After the 31st Olympic Games, people all over the country thought highly of the spirit of the Women's Volleyball Team.
The film hit the screen in January, 2020. The Chinese women's volleyball team not only is a competitive sports team but also shows the spirit of struggling and never giving up.
Football is a very exciting game because it keeps you alert and I also enjoy the team spirit of football.
In China, ZADAXIN Introduced in China since 1996, Success in the market depends on the support of our staff, rely on our enterprise culture and the maximum utilization of the team spirit.
And while Esa insisted that team spirit remained high during an earlier, 105-day simulation, the length of the mission means that the cosmonauts will be metaphorically flying into uncharted territory.
Football stirs the emotions all over the globe, brings people from contrasting cultures together, and promotes solid virtues such as fairness, team spirit and tolerance.
Regularly swearing at work can help boost team spirit among staff, allowing them to express better their feelings as well as develop social relationships, according to a study by researchers.
And though they understand the term "team spirit", they are not sure how to convince HRs they are good team players.
The test of Maradona's work comes this year - choosing a philosophy of play, selecting his players, establishing variations and fostering team spirit. He appears to have done all that.
The mini-break, which has come under fire from a French charity for homeless people, is aimed at companies wanting to instill a team spirit in staff.
"Tolerance, respect, and team spirit are important," Patrick Vieira notes.
Also, I like sports, especially basketball and football, because it allows me to appreciate the team spirit.
We go out for dinner, and the manager takes us horse racing, to watch not to ride! That improves the team spirit.
Respondent: Whatever you do, you need to have a strong team spirit, as well as some basic professional skills.
The contest not only offered a stage for the students to show their English talents, but also improve the team spirit among them.
Interact with department and Hotel staff in a professional and positive manner to foster good rapport, promote team spirit and ensure effective two-way communication.
I have a high degree of professionalism and team spirit, practical work hard, get along well with colleagues, obedience, respect for leadership, like the creative work done.
They pay attention to the cultivation of understanding and respect for other students and teachers, and good performance in the learning process Sports interpersonal skills and team spirit.
They pay attention to the cultivation of understanding and respect for other students and teachers, and good performance in the learning process Sports interpersonal skills and team spirit.