The application domain is owned by an application development organization, and data management (or information) is owned by the data team.
Following the adage that you first lay a foundation before building a house, the team concentrated first on a sound data transfer and content management scheme.
You don't want to appear foolish, so when the team and the data say "no," take management action.
To access protected data in a change management system such as Rational Team Concert, you typically must furnish a user name and password.
Built on the IBM Rational Software Delivery Platform, our testing solutions enable tighter management, better planning, and improved data sharing for all team members.
我们的测试解决方案可以提供更严谨的管理,更妥善的规划,团队成员间的更完善的数据共享,这一切都建立在IBMRational SoftwareDeliveryPlatform上。
There were, however, two concrete artifacts associated with the layers pattern: the initial team structure, and the initial configuration management data-store structures.
Note Another approach for valuing assets is to work with the financial risk management team that may have insurance valuation and coverage data for specific assets.
During the occupancy, lead the team to establish an efficient data management system and greatly raise the management efficiency of the company.
This software focuses on maniple management to provide data management plan for field team, construction assignment buildup, file management, data management and production report management.
By turning to trend analysis of project management and process data, the team was able to identify the steps at which project tasks took longest and cost more than anticipated.
Based on lager data, the paper analyses the model and methods of corporation team from the Angle of management and information economics.
Solutions of data communication project management are summarized in team organization, project control, quality control, progress follow-up as well as cost handling.
Based on data technology, SAP provides a kind of management platform for enterprise management team and employees to process decision making.
Based on data technology, SAP provides a kind of management platform for enterprise management team and employees to process decision making.