Keep a Safe Distance. Chasing or Teasing Animals Not Allowed!
Amy did get her wish of a special day without teasing at South Wayne Elementary School.
Some are amusing, like the animated picture of a woman playfully teasing an indignant goose.
If you feel you can't stand up to teasing and bullying on your own, it's OK to ask for a little help.
Children engrossed in a make-believe world, fox cubs playing or kittens teasing a ball of string aren't just having fun.
"But we're having such fun, aren't we?" he protested with a teasing smile.
With so much at stake, the Inuit are determined to play a key role in teasing out the mysteries of climate change in the Arctic.
A rule does not encourage one to ask if the fourth grader's act was bullying or teasing; if it fits the physical description of bullying, then bullying or infraction A37 is what it is.
By the time she was 16, Alice had suffered some bullying at school -nothing too specific just typical teenage teasing - and was worried about gaining weight due to a thyroid condition.
And the truth is I feel a little sorry for the teasing he has absorbed since the housing bubble burst.
I am not teasing Lao Zi, but the level of recognization a thousand years ago is far behind that of today.
I couldn't explain to Edgar how certain I felt of having a fit, or going raging mad, if he persisted in teasing me!
Few of us read as Twombly did, steeping himself in Greek, Latin and English verse, and teasing the beholder to follow up enigmatic quotations scrawled in a languid stain on his sighs of paintings.
I picked up a notebook and pen and got to teasing out a bigger vision that would help me make sense of the smaller decisions.
I would recommend seeking out people who can appreciate an original concept, so that when the teasing comes from those less imaginitive than he is, there will be a counter-balance.
So next time you are ordering coffee, give the person taking your order a very hard time by cracking some random joke and teasing the hell out of them.
It's almost certainly a viral marketing campaign teasing people ahead of some launch in a week or two.
It's really about teasing out those other cultural elements that are not part of the core culture as a way of supporting the core culture.
While the Leo has a very sensitive ego, the Gemini is more flexible and may appear teasing when they ignore the small issues of the Leo signs.
I didn't want to, because some kids there were always teasing me - it was pretty horrible when they called me a know-it-all and tried to grab my homework.
So I’ve decided to stop blaming my parents—now I only do it in a teasing, theatrical sort of way.
I'm teasing you. Didn't you see that it was a metaphor?
All through the marriage rehearsals she had flirted with Sonny Corleone in a teasing, joking way she thought was permitted because he was the best man and her wedding partner.
Mr McDonald said: 'I know it looks like we are teasing him, but he's a chunky alligator so wemake him work for his food to burn some calories.
Laura Shumaker learned this last year, when a former classmate of her autistic son apologized to her for teasing the boy years earlier, when they were both in middle school.
劳拉•舒梅克(Laura Shumaker)去年体会到这点,她患有自闭症的儿子以前的一名同班同学向她道歉,因为多年之前在一起上中学的时候,他曾经捉弄过舒梅克的儿子。
After a bunch of teasing, we may finally be able to buy a portable Android device not connected to a carrier.
After a bunch of teasing, we may finally be able to buy a portable Android device not connected to a carrier.