They were the aristocrats of technical knowledge, presiding over a centuries-old regime.
The key study course is how to make use of tacit technical knowledge to create value.
But is the problem with the student's lack of technical knowledge or a problem with pair-programming?
Tacit technical knowledge can not create great value for enterprises unless be utilized effectually.
In the best organizations, you're not chosen for a managerial position because of your technical knowledge.
No cables, no batteries, no technical knowledge required. Yet it can easily double the range of your network.
For example, let's imagine that you've asked customers to rate the technical knowledge of your sales force.
Employment in the new energy field is attractive to graduates, as many jobs don’t require much technical knowledge.
You should have phantasy, you must have technical knowledge, and you have to drive your business in the right way.
In general, there is a low level of technical knowledge required to implement modularity in Rational Functional Tester.
Proficiency in program teaching of industrial robots, master welding technical knowledge, with robot welding experience.
The challenge is that the high-level decision makers do not have the technical knowledge to understand the features of XForms.
问题在于高层决策者没有足够的技术知识以了解 XForms的特性。
An effective coach needs a good degree of personal confidence and emotional security as well as technical knowledge and experience.
What are the technical knowledge you required in order to make your job successful. Tell me an example how you apply this knowledge.
Based on the lives improved, the peasant workers need to learn technical knowledge, transmit into high-waged and high-qualified workers.
To benefit from this article, you should have some experience with WebSphere ESB and basic technical knowledge of its features and functions.
In the knowledge-based economy society, technical knowledge play a more and more important role as a kind of enterprises knowledge asset.
The setup utility USES a 4-step wizard interface that allows you to install the entire system without the need of advanced technical knowledge.
Black box testing is executed without technical knowledge of the underlying code and performed solely by executing the compiled application.
However, these DBMSs were complex and required people with considerable technical knowledge to understand them, much less design and manage them.
As important as technical knowledge of the feature and its related features are for SVT testers, technical knowledge alone is often not sufficient.
It's a bad sign when a coach refuses to explain something, USES technical knowledge to "beat down" an alternative idea, or tries to lead by "command."
Almost certainly, sometimes you find'll that you really want to do something, but you don't have the technical knowledge necessary to achieve that goal.
Technical knowledge can be distinguished as tacit technical knowledge which is hard to be encoded and explicit knowledge which is easy to be encoded.
Technical knowledge can be distinguished as tacit technical knowledge which is hard to be encoded and explicit knowledge which is easy to be encoded.