Analyzes the existent problems of technique system in Huipodi preparation plant.
In result, a set of the technique system to adjust bumper planting of hybrid rice was made.
The meaning of proteome research, definition and technique system of proteome are summarized in this article.
The results were as follows: (1) a rapid technique system of micropropagation In Vitro culture was established.
Based on this analysis, the authors put forward the advice for improving technique system of forest resource monitoring in China.
A study is made from theory to practice on the application of far infrared heating technique system in dyeing and finishing process.
The technique system of forest resource monitoring in Germany such as contents, methods, indicates and monitoring stations are discussed.
Practice proves that rice precise and quantitative cultivation theory and technique system have a wide directing effect and applicable value.
With the above measures conducted, the coal preparation technique system could be high efficiently operated and each technical index could meet the requirement.
The established technique system and obtained haploid plant would provide solid support and valuable materials for further breeding of Dioscorea zingiberensis .
This research takes root stumps as explant and adopts the regeneration way of PLB to establish a rapid technique system of micropropagation in Cymbidium Grandiflorium.
As a continual process of management, knowledge management covers the business process, software technique system and corporate culture. It's a complicated system engineering.
The technique system of integration dodder management on alfalfa including plant quarantine agricultural and biological prevention and chemical and biological control are put forward.
Based on the whole successful practices, the prospect of establishing new technique system in turbine design and studying work with modern techniques, such as CFD, has been presented.
The thesis focus on the theory foundation, exterior condition, technique system, operation ways and business of the interior design system, and discuss the optimization to the system.
Nanofiltration membrane combined technique system purifying polluted groundwater using active carbon, manganese sand and quartz sand filtrations for pretreatment was established respectively.
The technique system of intelligent sketching is presented, including the pen based natural gesture interface, free-hand sketching input, sketching recognition and sketch based solid modeling.
Objective: to study and establish an allelic specific primer polymerase chain reaction (ASP-PCR) technique system and to apply this technique to study single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) of genes.
Using the directory stack is a good scripting technique to maintain your place in the file system.
This is also a useful technique for coordinating or synchronizing activities in which multiple processes compete for the same operating system resources.
The use-case technique is an increasingly popular approach to capturing requirements and driving system development.
This technique is a valid way to keep the system secure, but because there is no real sanitization of the data (only conditions on it), current static analysis tools do not properly analyze such code.
This technique virtualizes servers on top of the operating system itself.
This scenario-based technique lets you walk through the whole system or process, step by step, as a user.
With this technique, even though it requires a repository of data, the system is autonomous unlike other repository-based solutions.
This technique can also be implemented on the AIX operating system.
A popular technique for gaining entry into the shopper's system is to use a tool, such as SATAN, to perform port scans on a computer that detect entry points into the machine.
The technique is aesthetically elegant and utilizes existing system tools.
The technique is aesthetically elegant and utilizes existing system tools.