In his article, Dan North shows how to design an SOA in "a technology-agnostic" way.
An implementation of the REST API to provide technology-agnostic and language-neutral Web-based API-to-messaging provider.
一个RESTAPI实现。REST API为“消息传递提供程序”提供了与技术和语言无关的基于Web的API。
The generic version is technology-agnostic, and that is a great value when you are not ready, or able, to specify the production environment.
So, in this article I am going to concentrate on the business-level, technology-agnostic analysis classes, and leave alone almost all technology issues until we discuss design.
It doesn't require any specific technology at the endpoints, making it completely agnostic to vendors, platforms, and technologies.
Using message converters give you the benefit of keeping JMS artifacts constrained to the outermost layers of your application thus allowing the bulk of your application to remain technology agnostic.
The Framework Design Guidelines are agnostic when it comes to technology on top of the CLR.
The white paper is deliberately technology agnostic, staying clear of referencing implementation approaches to SOA such as Web Services or JBI.
The client service is agnostic to how the service is implemented — whether rules or some other implementation technology — and to which rule category is used, when there is a choice.
The most significant change in e-business caused by Web services is that it makes business dialogue somewhat technology agnostic.
E-business dialogue is technology agnostic.
One function of the Controller object is to keep the model agnostic with regard to the view technology.
Web service is a technology that allows applications to communicate with each other in a platform - and programming language-agnostic manner.
Having said that, even then I would try to keep it UI-technology agnostic by storing colours as AGRB values instead of one of the various.
Having said that, even then I would try to keep it UI-technology agnostic by storing colours as AGRB values instead of one of the various.