The occasion is the annual TED conference, named for the convergence of technology, entertainment and design - with a dash of social activism thrown in recently as well.
At the Technology, Entertainment and Design 2010 Conference held in February in Long Beach, California, Microsoft founder Bill Gates reduced our planet's problem to a simple equation.
TED, which standards for “Technology, Entertainment and Design”, is a global conference series that invites the world’s top speaking talent to present “ideas worth spreading.”
Horner will be speaking about his work at the Technology Entertainment and Design conference on Friday.
The design aims to provide a new intersection between public space, cultural programs, entertainment, technology and architecture, creating a vibrant landmark within the urban landscape.
Provide a total of eight functions: digital entertainment standard, copyright, middleware technology development, digital community, training, value-added services, design and Exhibition companies.
The researchers showed off the sixth sense device at this year's Technology, Entertainment and Design (TED) conference.
Albert Einstein in the form of a so-called empathetic robot made its public debut at the Technology, Entertainment and Design conference in the US recently.
Short for Technology Entertainment and Design, TED is a set of annual conferences that brings together some of the world's best and brightest thinkers to deliver talks on their realms of expertise.
科技、娱乐、设计的英文首字母缩写,是一个年会的名称。 这个年会召集全球最优秀、最有创造力的思想家,就各自所在的专业领域进行演讲。TED的入场券那是一票难求、极其珍贵。
Short for Technology Entertainment and Design, TED is a set of annual conferences that brings together some of the world's best and brightest thinkers to deliver talks on their realms of expertise.
科技、娱乐、设计的英文首字母缩写,是一个年会的名称。 这个年会召集全球最优秀、最有创造力的思想家,就各自所在的专业领域进行演讲。TED的入场券那是一票难求、极其珍贵。